
In the wrong section, but i would really appreciate any ideas... do you have any!!??

by  |  earlier

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i am entering a writing contest at my school, and i really need an essay topic! it has to be no more than 250 words (short, i know) so nothing too big. i am a good writer, (or so im told...) so i was thinking that some of your ideas would give me some inspiration... thanks so much! =]




  1. the benefits of open adoption.  (as opposed to closed adoption)

  2. Why adopted adults need to have access to their own Original Birth Certificates -- like every other US citizen does. Did you know only 6 states allow this? How unfair is that?!

    Check out these websites:

    Good luck!


    Okay, I'm confused. Is it supposed to be "Non-Fiction" (that is true or based on truth) or "made-up" (which means Fiction). Essays usually are based on truth. If it is fictional, it is usually called a story, not an essay.

    If it IS supposed to be a story, then perhaps a story about an adult adoptee who reunites with her first/natural/birth mother? Or maybe with a sibling? Or falls in love with someone and finds out it is a sibling?

    I'm also confused about why you put the question in this section -- if you knew from the beginning it was the wrong section, why didn't you pick the right one?

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