
In their younger days both the queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were both good looking so can some?

by  |  earlier

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one tell me how they managed to produce ugly looking children...apart from Andrew that is?




  1. Properly because they are related.

  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and ugly is as ugly does. I didn't orginate those euphemisms but they are true. Oh and when you marry your cousins the offspring doesn't always turn out perfect.

  3. How wud u no if they were actually good looking??? havent u heard of cosmetic surgery--i m sure it was there back then--and they r loaded--so why not indulge in a few luxuries in life

  4. Ooooh, it's all in the genes and the Queen's dad wasn't exactly blessed with the beauty stick!

  5. Maybe being greedy makes you ugly.

  6. their children are not only ugly on the outside...but some of them are very ugly from the inside - out!!    look at adulterer/liar/cheat...and obnoxious Anne...i think that Andrew & Edward seem to be OK people..Andrew being fairly good looking..& Edward a nice guy.  when Charles takes the throne...end of Monarchy - sadly.

  7. You appear to have a very ugly approach to things.

    Are you convinced thay you have the right to judge peoples appearance.

    Use your ability to gain attention, by asking quality questions. Not by attacking those who cannot defend themselves on a forum such as this.

    Infact, your attitude does little to improve,

    this thought provoking platform.

    Good luck to you, in parenting.

  8. Probably because they are all related to each other in some way and probably alll related to Queen Victoria - mind you some lovely people produce bonny kids, and others produce horrors!

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