
In thinking about playing guitarr...

by  |  earlier

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i want to play guitar and i have no idea what guitars are good and look good too.

so any suggestions?

the only thing i want is a good guitar that has kinda a dark color to it and is under 400 dollars.

and pics are appreciated =]




  1. Ibanez, I swear by it:

  2. It's actually really difficult to learn. It usually takes 2 years or 3 to learn how to play it.

  3. My advice would be first figure out what kinda music you wanna play. If it's metal I suggest looking at ESP Guitars, Ibanez, Schecter. If it's gonna be on the lighter side then you might wanna look at acoustics. many companies make those.


    Good luck :) I play guitar and I love it.

  5. Just go get anything.. You're a beginner and need to try it out a little before you go out and buy an expensive one

  6. Hi :)

    I Bought my piano off of this website. The stuff is cheap and good quality. If you want to do it the right way though go to a music store and play with some stuff to see what suits you best then maybe see if they have it on the site cheaper. That's what I did and I saved like $150.

    Anyway I would say start off with learning some basic chords. You can play a ton of stuff just by knowing a few. Also youtube has a ton of lesson vids you can look at. Here are some good websites to check out for songs once you know some chords or start to learn tab.

    Good luck and don't get discouraged if you don't catch on right away. It takes time, but anyone can do it. <3

  7. a Squire starter pack. comes with a guitar extra strings extra pics an amp...basically everything you need. good luck

    remember practice makes perfect

    and good skills only come to those who practice for it.

  8. ask a guy who works at a music store

  9. has a sweet esp xplorer shaped guitar with a 10w marshall amp, chords and stuff for 250, ibanez are nice, as are epiphones, squires are lame. dean owns to, is a great store

  10. good guitars cost a shitload honestly. do you want to spend that amount on a guitar when you're "thinking" about playing? I would say you should probably get a cheapo 100 guitar to start and wait till you know if you want to play or not. feel it out a bit. then start looking for whats good

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