
In this case,size does matter !

by  |  earlier

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For a while now, every time I click on a link, the site opens in a smaller window (of varying dimensions). I find this rather irritating. Originally, all the sites opened in a full-screen : now I have to click on the "maximize" square on the top right-hand corner of the screen to see the site in full-screen.

I shall be most grateful for any (and all) constructive answers/solutions/

suggestions. Thanking you in anticipation.




  1. dno

  2. If you resize the window manually instead of using the maximize button it should stay that way next time you open it. I'm pretty sure that would work. So drag the borders to the dimensions you want.

  3. Sure thing!

    1. Go ahead and click and let the window open small.

    2. Now drag the small window so that the top left corner is all the way up at the top left of the screen.

    3. Go to the very bottom right of your little window.  You'll see the mouse cursor change (means you can resize the window)

    4. Click and drag all the way to the bottom right of the screen.

    Ta da!  Now when you open, it will automatically go to this 'basically maximzed' size.  You can also just double click anywhere on the title bar at the top of the window to instantly maximize it.

  4. Ok, this works and its what I do when that happens. First open that link that makes the window have smaller dimensions. Second use the resizing handles on the corners/edges to resize it to fit the screen. Third press maximize and then press maximize again. Click on the link again and it should be the size of your screen (regular size).  

  5. just pree alt + spacebar+x button to maximise the screen.

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