
In this command in "Matlab", what is the purpose of dividing by "256"?>> imshow(filter2(g,c)/256)

by Guest66840  |  earlier

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In this command in "Matlab", what is the purpose of dividing by "256"?>> imshow(filter2(g,c)/256)




  1. Actually, imshow can handle elements from 0 to 255 if the variable's type is 'uint8'. If the type is double, then it won't scale the colors properly unless they're in the range [0,1]. So rather than dividing by 256, one could also cast the variable to a uint8:


    Alternatively, you can use imagesc instead of imshow, which automatically scales its input to maximize the viewable dynamic range. I find the following steps useful for general floating point images:


    colormap hot;


    axis equal;

    Hope that helps.

  2. 256 is the common number of shades in an 8-bit color channel.

    It's likely the output of filter2() is in 8-bit color.

    imshow() takes color values in a range from 0 to 1.

    Dividing the output of filter2() by 256 converts the color values to something imshow() can work with.

    Without knowing what g and c represent though, it's pretty much just a random guess.

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