
In this down real estate market, can I still make at least $30,000 so that I won't have to get another job?

by  |  earlier

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I was making $30,000 at my last job and I really don't want to go back to a 9 to 5, because I want to be there for all of my son's school events and be able to do my online classes. My husband will be happy if I could at least match what I made before. Is this doable?




  1. I'm assuming you're a real estate agent? If so, then yes ... of course you can make $30k again. You've got a lot less competition now than you had a year ago. Most agents that I knew in my area have "jumped ship"! And that's because most of them were "part timers" anyway and not doing much business to begin with. If you make the commitment to stay with it, you'll definitely have the opportunity to do 30k and BETTER. You just have to have a good marketing system in place to get the listings and make the sales. Google the name "Craig Forte", he has an excellent lead generation program using a newsletter (not one of those typical crappy "hey it's me with a new recipe" newsletters). I've seen what he offers and it's a good value with supposed good results. Another excellent source to check for a good lead generation in real estate biz is ... this is "top of the line" / "best in the business" money making lead generation for realtors.

  2. is that what you mean?  you want to work full-time in real estate?  doing what?  as an agent?

    let me just tell you, as an agent, you'll work more than 9-5 (if you are a good one).  our agent we are currently working with takes us out to see houses from 2pm to 8pm (seriously) in desperation of finding a home, as ours was sold.  if you have a very demanding client, you are going to have to work very hard and many many hours to satisfy their expectations.  otherwise, you're going to lose a lot of clients if they don't feel you're doing all you should be doing.  

    depending on the values of the houses you will be selling, it is possible to make that, but it will be a lot of hard work.

    the market is not as bad as they say it is, at least where i live in jersey.

  3. depending on what area of the country you live in, you shouldn't have any problems making 30,000 a year in real estate.

  4. not on a part time basis


    you get paid ONLY when you sell a house and the market is LOUSY

    you get 1-2% of each sale. . .that's a lot of sales. . .do the math. . .  and a LOT of evenings and weekends and being on call 24/7

    Better to get a waitressing job, set hours, good tips, leaving you free during day

  6. It is hard when you start in this career for the first time not matter which market we are in, 30K the first year is very but very easy to make but there is a lot of knowledge you have to acquirest, my advice to you is find your motivation beside the money of working in real estate, then be congruent and over everything "be persperseverance "don't ever give up" and yes there is a lot of chances of making money even in this market  

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