
In this month apart from giving food to the poor people can i also give it to stray animals? such cats?

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In this month apart from giving food to the poor people can i also give it to stray animals? such cats?




  1. no its not you give food to poor people and you will get alot of benefits from allah inshallah.

  2. Yes you can. But I was you I won't cause it may bring mites,bugs.mouse,rats. to the area.why not donate $20.00s amonth to the A.S.P.C.A.

  3. At any time of the year, give food if you have it to those who don't, whether human or animal, yeah. That's just part of Islam.

    During Ramadan, make a point of it. Invite someone to eat with your family, etc.

    Some of the answers I've seen in the section are disturbing about this. Someone said just buy a homeless guy a hotdog....I think the estimation of human life and the meaning of charity are too low, in those cases.

    Anyway, give freely, wherever you see there's need for it.

  4. Yes ofcourse!

    There is a hadith that said that a woman fed a thirsty dog some water and because of that act of kindness alone, she went to heaven. Allah is the most merciful.

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