
In this non Romanorum forum, do you generally use your energies to make people feel good or feel bad?

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I too think there is no badness inside Reenie. Look at the singing Marine she made.




  1. I like to encourage thought, whether happy or sad does not matter, as long as something positive comes of it.  

    I have held the hand of a child dying of cancer, I have held a man's life in my gunsights,  I have seen friends die in agony, I have picked up the bits of people left after a bombing, I have watched a mother look to what used to be her God and ask why her son had to die, I have comforted orphans and I have seen babies born and love blossom and a baby discover a kitten. People fight and die over the most stupid, petty things and rarely THINK - is this what life is about? Is this what I was put here for? Is this making me happy?

    Writing and reading and interrracting makes me happy - that's why I do it.

    Life is too short for bad wine.

  2. Good, of course. I don't think I have any energies that make people feel bad.

  3. Every human must use their energy to make other happy.

    This is the only way to bring happiness and peace in the world

  4. I am a teacher. I prefer to make people feel good, but not at the expense of their poetry. If they sincerely want to learn, I try to help them as gently as possible. If they are hopeless, I ignore them.

  5. I am thinking of migrating to the dark side, to hash, slash and trash all that lays before. To cause poets to wither and withdraw, all for amusement.  But wait....that role is already taken by some juvenile now.  Well, I guess I will stay on the bright side, plus there is so much more to do in the light!

  6. If people only post poems to be told how great they are, they will obviously not be too happy if others do not concur with their inflated ego's point of view.

    Whether you feel good or bad about something is very often down to yourself.

    If you write a poem, Robert, which someone feels bad about, whose fault is that? Yours or the readers?

    I wondered how long it would take someone with an ego like yours to correct me on your name...Richard. Well done, you held out well.

    I also find the speculation about who I'm supposed to be highly amusing as well. I wonder if David, whoever he is, will be as amused as I am?

    Oh, oh! I'd better watch out...NONMAN's back! I'll make a note.

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