
In this piece of writing, what does it mean when it says it is up to us? what can we do to help change this?

by  |  earlier

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So, is globalisation good for you? Who knows? Some form of globalisation may benefit humanity without undermining it, but the present form of globalisation-by-economics is needlessly destructive. The present, faulty global economy is currently destined to destroy itself before the year 2030 and probably much sooner.[10] How much of Earth's irreplaceable and valuable treasures are permanently destroyed along with it is up to us now.

here's the full story if you want more info:




  1. it means that we choose how much gas we use.

    how much we don't recycle.

    how much water we waste.

    how much ecosystem we destroy or whatever....

  2. Rationalisation and optimisation of available resources in our country. Spreading the awareness about the economy to the grass root level.First create the awareness through education and mass programs.

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