
In those moments you feel you're caught between two realities, each of them equally alluring...?

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how do you know which one to choose?




  1. i will try to look at the people who had been on that reality and compare where and what are they now. being observant to other people can help you in your own decisions.

  2. i thrust my hart and instinct

  3. The right one for me, and if it turned out to be not such a good idea.  I go back and try the other.  There is no law that states: "You will decide, thus!"

    Spin a coin.


  4. Security with fear and security without fear. Walk through the wall not made of stone. Walk through with courage and be alone until you wake in another world not made like the familiar home.Uncertain of the life you live until you begin to give an offering to the new life and begin to learn of things new again. Walk through the wall not made of stone ..

  5. You'll get clues as to which way you should go.

  6. The one my gut tells me to.

  7. I often just stay on the fence feeling allured until I loose my balance & fall one way or the other.

  8. I do all the relevant research on each, weigh the pros and cons of each choice carefully against the other and then go with my best gut instinct. The real key is to not look back and to not have regrets for having not chosen the other path.

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