
In three years, will the people in Iowa be whining about all the things other people are not doing for them?

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In three years, will the people in Iowa be whining about all the things other people are not doing for them?




  1. see...New Orleans didnt even get hit with the storm...the people on the Mississippi Coast got the storm....THEY went to work and dont hear about them...the flood drones in N.O. are STILL whining about their "chocolate city" being done wrong by the Feds.....its sda...the people in iowa are more like the MS Coast Folks...they will take minimum help,rebuild and go back to living....

  2. you are piece of lib sh*i*t .the people in Iowa will take care of their own.something the lib morons are not capable of about ray nagin (the idiot) in new orleans that drowned 1500 busses that could have evacuated the bozos in town.

  3. I don't think so. They are not whining. They are working together to do the best they can in their circumstances. They are not looting, shooting cops, raping, etc. Appear to be the kind of Americans that America is proud to call their own!

  4. That talking point is getting stale.  Get Rush to send you an updated list.

  5. Yes in deed, this statement stems from the New Orleans ordeal which in my opinion was mishandled. If I would have been in charge those people would still be on those roofs. Its a sad day  in America when your to broke or to lazy to move to higher ground and have to be plucked off of roofs via helicopter to keep you from wading in waist deep water, and then want to beat everybody else up for your failure.

  6. Well, the one major factor that Iowa is lacking is the all important "race card". (Can't forget Kayne West's "George Bush hates black people" speech). Considering that New Orleans had (has) a (black) mayor who turned down help from Am track, all of those school buses that sat with no passengers, and the Governor said "NO!" to President Bush at the beginning when he offered out-of-state National Guard help. The consequences of those in-actions by state and local government cost many lives to be lost. It's just easier to b!t<h and complain that it's someone else's fault when it's really your least in part. I think the people of Iowa are going to surprise us by their decency and active leadership by elected officials.

  7. Not all of us.  Some of us will be telling the majority of Iowa ...

    "I TOLD YOU SO!!!"  I thought living here in Iowa, one of the top in the nation for education we would be smarter.  I thought here in Iowa our Christian values would mean more.  I thought here in Iowa we would say NO to Socialism, but I guess I was wrong.  

    I hope after seeing what Obama's x-minister, wife, and he himself stand for Iowa will be smart enough not to elect such a Anti-American President.

  8. Not likely, all the damage will be repaired by then.

  9. Could happen!  We really have no idea of what the next administration will be like, a lot depends on how much money we really have & if we are still fighting two wars!

  10. no...THAT was the welfare drones in New Orleans...the people in Iowa,like the people who REALLY got hit with Katrina,on the Mississippi Gulf Coast  are just going to pick up the pieces,rebuild and move on...only welfare drones act a fool and beg for the Government to save them

  11. Ah man guys, I cant believe what Im hearing here... People on the front in Iowa, dont give a **** about whos running for any office right now... all they want is to find a picture of a family member that died a few years ago... Listening to this crop, amazes me.... have your right to sit on your little thrones and throw stones...and pick on people cuz thats what youre all about.  that's what America's all about... Make happy people... dont be a hater...and dont think that you know so much about politics that you could 2nd Limbaughs chair... You make me puke

  12. No we will bane together and fix the problem are self

  13. Of course.  There will always be those kind of people and even more in three years because McCain is our next president and they won't like that at all.

  14. I get tired of all the blame for Katrina falling on everyone except the person most responsible for the catastrophic situation - New Orleans Mayor.  They had ample warning and instead of motivating his people to evacuate and mobilizing all of the city's resources to do so, he just stood there and yelled "Where's the federal government?  Where's FEMA?" while half of HIS population were still in the dark about the danger.

      Unfortunately, the same people got on his band wagon and re-elected the nut, and to this day are still complaining about the fed., govt. instead of taking the initiative and doing something like what is happening in Iowa.  Instead, they jumped on the "this is a racial thing" and are still saying it today, (which it is not!!)   In Iowa, apparently they had elected responsible officials who stepped up to the plate and led the people in the right direction.  First response belongs to local government, and the Mayor  of New Orleans severely failed in his obligation.

  15. Nope.

    And critical discussion of how welfare states and nanny governments destroy human spirit, initiative, and freedom is always a valid talking point.

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