
In throat infection why taking icy food should be avoided?

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I always avoid taking cold and chilly items while having sore throat, I have been told that it may worsen, any one can tell me why its so? whats the exact reason for it?




  1. it depends on how the person reacts to it. i personally think cold stuff makes the throat feel better/

  2. Because icy drinks constricts the tiny blood vessels feeding the cells in the throat area.Due to lack of blood, and T- killer cells which fight against infections, defence system weekens so infection grows.  

  3. by no means

  4. that's just not true! I've always gotten terrible soar throats and my doctor has always told me to eat popsicles and try to hold it on it as long as I can stand it. It always helps.

  5. Cold temperature naturally makes the blood vessels constrict in order to prevent body heat loss.  Blood vessel constriction reduces blood flow to the cool tissue.  Reduced blood flow decreases the number of white blood cells that can reach the cooled area.  And reduced blood flow reduces the metabolism of cells in the cooled area due to decreased oxygen supply and lower temperature.

    Which often gives pathogenic microorganisms an opportunity to infect the tissue because of local reduction in immunity and resistance against infection.

    You should avoid eating icy food even when you feel ok.  Because suppressing local immunity might allow a new infection to start, even when you haven't been infected before.

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