
In today's 21st Century Greater London, which areas or suburbs house most of her UPPER MIDDLE CLASS?

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Upper Middle Class are defined as high level professionals and managers. Eg.: Surgeons, Barristers, Academics, Judges, High Level Civil Servants, Bankers, Top Flight Artists, Musicians, and Writers, Airline Pilots, Architects, Business Executives, Entrepreneurs, etc..




  1. class distinction is prejudiced, all people are the same no matter how stuck up they are.

    i hate toffee nosed stuck up Pratt's!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hampstead is certainly a good upper middle class area if you stay only on the other side of Kilburn High Road. Although the prices are a bit on the high side yet you can find a property within your means. I know a bit about Twickenham and Richmond, mostly these are old dwellings, posh English, same old English culture we have seen in movies of the 50s & 60s. Again it is your choice what you are looking for. If I win lottery I would move to Hampstead. Do you really know the most expensive houses in London are in Bishops Ave, part of Hampstead, which is also called Millionaires Row.

  3. You are being classist (like racist but on class instead of race)

    I wonder if it's illegal to be classist lmao

  4. as far i remember house prices are falling no?

    n upper middle class is just what snobs say to make themselves seem more "normal" what ever that is

  5. With house prices and rent rising ever higher in London, you will find 'high level professionals and managers' doing the jobs that you mention in every corner of the City.

    If your question is where the wealthiest people live, then that's different - but again, they are everywhere! From Hampstead to Chelsea, Bloomsbury to Fulham; you will find surgeons, judges, managing directors, etc, living alongside builders, postmen, nurses, and the unemployed.

    Of course, there are still affluent and deprived areas - but it's not like they are separated by a brick wall. In London, and most other cities, you can see huge townhouses and mansions one minute, and council estates the next. It's called diversity.

    Welcome to modern life.

  6. Generally historically its been the West of London and will probably continue to be. This was because all the posh houses are placed upwind (West) from the factories so they don't have to breathe in working class gases.

  7. Richmond Upon Thames?

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