
In today's society, is it considered 'normal' to endorse and support feminism?

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When I was growing up, I always heard about feminism and thought it was normal, appropriate and worthy of support. When I went to college, even though anything liberal was endorsed by the professors I began to question it's validity, so on and so forth. So what do you think?




  1. Depends. Historically, probably. Modern feminism is much like the modern NAACP, most people outside of it find it annoying and unnecessary. Feminism has outlived its usefulness and now it just blows smoke.

  2. Yes, but it was normal to be a n**i in 1930's Germany. Hey, even the current pope had to join the Hitler Youth.


    I find it amazing that an ideology like feminism became the norm so quickly. Most social changes take some time, but its almost like the West held the door open for plucky little feminism. Of course now we can see that plucky little feminism was a cuckoo egg waiting to hatch. Boy am I disappointed with the previous generation for not seeing that one coming...

  3. I would say that its very normal to support the rights and freedoms of all people - at least, I HOPE that's considered normal.

    As for the support of feminism...I'm not so sure.  Certainly, with the brand of feminism today, I don't know how people can jump in the support line.  The radical branch of this once admirable and important movement makes it so difficult to understand their intents and I wouldn't necessarily say that it would be 'normal' to support something that is so exclusionary and against the rights and freedoms of any who oppose them.  

    But really - what is normal about our society today?

  4. The feminist movement is dead.

    sorry i had to be the one too say it XD

  5. It shouldn't be considered abnormal to hold any beliefs, unless those beliefs are fundamentally hateful. (And before anyone throws feminism under this umbrella, please do some reading.)

  6. Because feminism is a Liberal or even Socialist concept and a balance between both of those is the accepted and common political stance currently -- however unfortunate that is.

    In a "politically correct" society everything traditional must be reversed. This means that men are below women, and whites are below blacks. As a white straight man I have less rights than ANY other social group. Fact.

  7. Feminism kind of rode the backs of other movements...the term wasn't even used to describe the majority of those we now call feminists in the past.  Suffragettes were not called feminists and neither were Women's Liberation types.  These were reborn as feminists relatively recently.  So in once sense the movement has been around awhile and in another it's really brand new.

    As far as general society is concerned, it's about as okay to endorse and support feminism as it is to do so for any other group.  Go ahead and do it but you will come into conflict with the other people who are just like you in supporting their own causes.  The ones who don't support any causes will just want to be left alone and not hear about it.

  8. It's now mainly the domain of angry women who either hate men or like to complain for no good reason.

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