
In today's society which ideas and values are more present: republican or democrat ones?

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In today's society which ideas and values are more present: republican or democrat ones?




  1. I don't think the question is possible to answer, because I don't think either party has very specific beliefs.  For example, about 20 years ago, Republicans believed in a balanced budget at all costs.  Now, they've run up massive debt and trade deficits.  Democrats are the ones who've swapped and want a balanced budget, when previously they supported more government spending when necessary.  Furthermore, being a democrat or a republican means different things depending on where you live.  In California, for instance, even the Republicans are pro-life, pro-environment, and anti-gun, on average.  But in the South, there are anti-equality, pro-family Democrats.  A political party is really just a means to an end--getting funding to get elected.

  2. None of the two parties has solid, unchangeable ideas.

    First Democrats were close to the poor and simple population, and republicans were all about aristocrats. Now I'm very confused, due to this and many other values that a party had or newly acquired now.

  3. BOTH have left their cake out in the rain.

    Either stop voting, or elect Ron Paul.

  4. Socially, perhaps, we are more "liberal" than we were in the 1950s - anything goes in film, TV, music, etc. We are free to wear Che Guevara t-shirts.

    Economically, we are ... all mixed up. I think that we are more "conservative" than we were in the 1950s in the sense that we are more pro-capitalist, more anti-union, and we accept a lot of neoconservative horse manure. But, like the other poster mentioned, we are military Keynesians (and, in the past, Democrats were the Keynesians) - we ran up this gigantic deficit to fund military excursions and bailouts (but, social spending, it is argued "distorts markets" and are "unacceptable" - who are we kidding?)

    As to the actual question, are we more "Republican" or "Democrat" - that one has been tougher to answer in the past few years.

    Geez, I had never sat down and thought about it before, but I think that right now, in the US in 2008, we have the worst of all worlds, politically. The Republicans aren't fiscally conservative, the Democrats aren't pro-labor, both parties are supporting legislation which increases the outflow of jobs, corruption is very blatant - much like the movies that I once considered fantastic or non-reality-based, gas prices are out of control. God, where is this country headed?

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