
In todays global economy why do countires still have customs and excise ?

by  |  earlier

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What is the main purpose of having it or is just extra revenue ??




  1. That & making sure that drugs and contraband items are not smuggled into the country in question (not 100% effective , but what kind of policing is??) I know they also deal with money launderers etc!!!

    . I'd love a job as a customs officer - I'm sure it would be more exciting & spiritually than flying a desk & a headset!! I would love to apply for that kind of work as I work for the Government BUT  the powers that be have a 3 months ban on sideways transfers!!!! :0(

  2. to protect there small industries by ensuring the imported goods will not compete the local good which are cheaper because they are free of customs ,to protect  employment and avoid over-importing and because other countries impose so they impose also and to raise money for the government  and to lessen the consumption of harmful products such as cigarettes and alcohol

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