
In turkey their are 70 million people over 50 million are ethnic turks whats the remainder?

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i was online checking out turkey's statistics and in turkey their are 70 million people and 50 million of the people that live in turkey are turks.whats the remainding 20 million.tell me the remainding 20 million whats the ethnicity of that group of people.




  1. from what I've heard people in Turkey are Turks even if they are Italian in decent. about 1/3 of modern day Turks are pure 100% from central asia. The rest are mixed with the native Anatolian population (by that I mean people who have lived there before 1000 A.D.

    Turks are a mixed Mediterranean nation.

  2. Ethnically most of that 20 million would be Kurds, much smaller minority groups are Arabs, Turkmen, Circassians, Greeks and Armenians.

  3. we are all turks! period

  4. hi,

    this is hard question because ,in Türkiye,There are many married between all the Anatolian ethnicity therefore we don't count the ethnicity during the census and we say only that we are (population in 2003) 71,325 thousands Turkish citizens.

    BTW do you known ,what happens when you separate the nations to the ethinicity ?(For example, in former Yugoslavia,Nowadays in Iraq , and in Rwanda

  5. 20 million. I don't like people who ask a question trying to get an answer that they already know.

  6. Homo sapiens.

  7. Kurdish 10 million maybe less than

    Georgian 1 million

    Bosnian 2 million

    Circassian 2.5 million

    Albanian 1.3 milliom

    But we are all Turks..

  8. According to a 2008 report prepared for the National Security Council of Turkey by academics of three Turkish universities in eastern Anatolia, there were approximately 50 to 55 million ethnic Turks, 12,5 million Kurds (including 3 million Zazas), 2,5 million Circassians (Adige), 2 million Bosniaks, 1,3 million Albanians, 1 million Georgians, 870,000 Arabs, 700,000 Roma, 600,000 Pomaks, 80,000 Laz, 60,000 Armenians, 20,000 Jews, 15,000 Greeks and 13,000 Hemshins living in Turkey.

    I've lived in Turkey since 1993 and have been ignored in two censuses so can categorically state that at least one European/British person also lives here that does not show up in the statistics!

    Why does this merit thumbs down? I'm quoting official (Turkish) statistics and give my sources. It's not my opinion!

    It may be an uncomfortable truth for some but.....OOF Ya!!

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