
In twilight why didn't bella want to go to prom?

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  1. I think it was because she can't dance - she doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of everyone; she's a klutz remember. But I think it also has to do with it being a little antisocial

  2. Because shes a total reck. What a sob story.

  3. Bella didnt want to go to prom because she says in Twilight that she doesnt know how to dance.  

  4. Bella didn't want to go to prom because she is clumsy, which makes her bad at dancing.

  5. I think it was because she can't dance - she doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of everyone; she's a klutz remember.  But I think it also has to do with it being a little antisocial

  6. I didn't want to go in high school, either. It's a pointless rite of passage involving getting dressed up (which Bella hates), wearing high heels (which she calls "death traps"), wearing makeup (she never does), dancing (which she's terrible at) and being the center of attention in a big, crowded area surrounded by people she does not particularly like or know.  

  7. Because Bella is the most predictable character if you know her. She hates birthday parties (mainy because she didn't want to get old) she wants brithday presents (because they would be memories of her getting old, just because now she was older tha Edward and Edward would always be a vampire, really pretty yadayadayada) she hates proms because Stephanie Meyer wanted her to. I guess she just doesn't like to go to places where are lots of people, besides she's always falling down, she's clumsy and that she maybe can't dance quite well. Can't see why it makes Stephanie Meyer a not ordinary writter, anyone could made up this one.

  8. it was a poor excuse to make bella seem unique.

    the whole thing was annoying.  

  9. Because Stephenie Meyer wanted to prove that she was a stereotypical rebel.

  10. because its bella, she doesnt like crowds and big parties

  11. Because stephenie meyer is a less than okay author? Oh, and she did go to prom. Read the epilogue of new moon (or twilight i'm not sure).

  12. she isn't good at dancing an doesn't want to embarrass herself.

  13. she kept saying that she can't dance..but I really doubt that that's the reason...or she doesn't want to dissapoint her guy classmates...who kept asking her to the prom...she's probably fed up and decided not to go!! or something to do with edward!!!

  14. Bella was called a very clumsy person quite often in Twilight, and it's her clumsiness that makes her not want to go... she can't dance.

  15. She dislikes being the center of attention and can't dance.  

  16. she hates parties and cant dance

  17. because she was clumsy and couldn't dance, and not to mention the fact that she was wearing a cast on her leg where james broke her leg

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