
In two years on YA I have never had Darth Cheney actually answer one of my questions, Why?

by  |  earlier

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Oh, he spreads his magic pixie dust on my questions and stars them, but he has never answered one of my questions. What's a pig gotta do?




  1. his infinite wisdom is hard to put into words that mere mortals would understand. you must just have faith that he hears your questions, and will answer them in his own time

  2. Awww... sweet little Darthy... give him a hug or something ;)

  3. He rarely answers my questions but I can count on him to star them and lead the troops to my curiosities!

    Thanks for that (((Darthy))).  Yeah, I notice.

    I was wondering who you were (((Confuse-us))).  lol.  I have missed your little piggy.

  4. You been here 2 years? Who are you?

  5. LOL

    There are times I've spent a lot of thought time writing up an answer, almost hit the "Submit" button, then canceled my posting.  

    I have this "philosophy" about not posting an answer if it hast taken too much thought, too much time, or if the reply is a knee-jerk reaction.

    The questions do make me think, though.  My contacts bring up good points that stay with me long after the questions have been posted.

  6. Oooo, who were you before?

  7. I came on Y!A just as he was winding down from Yahell, I guess.  Glad to see him having some fun here and there though!  Love the stars, piggy.

  8. whos darth cheney?

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