
In vietnam, what are their options for school?

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I'm doing a Vietnam project and A question I need to find is WHAT ARE THEIR OPTIONS? as in school.




  1. I am not sure that I understand your question. Children in Vietnam attend free schooling until the twelfth grade. They are not required to attend, many drop out before completing grade school. If they wish to continue, they have the option of going to a college for three years or a university for four years. These schools teach everything from welding, to biotechnology, much the same as in America.

    College and university do cost money, but it is a pittance compared to what I spent to go to a State University in the US.

    Exceptional students go on to medical/dental/law or PhD programs.

    Politically connected families, and those with tons of money, have the option of sending their children overseas to be educated at the college level.

    Extremely poor but intelligent students can and do receive scholarships or work study.

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