
In view of their history,why do the Scots and English love each other so much?

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In view of their history,why do the Scots and English love each other so much?




  1. Because underneath the competitiveness they have a 'history' together and it creates a similar  situation to the love hate relationship between brother and sister. By the very proximity of countries they cannot live without each others as much as they can't live with each other.

  2. Because they are not capable of going out for a nice meal in Maceió, Brazil

  3. They don't. But I love Scotland's rugged wilderness & roads for driving. Now, I'm no football fan but whenever England meets the Scots, the Scots normally get a good beating. Could be something in that : /

  4. we love the English because they show us how different and better we are than them. The nation that supported Thatcher, the nation that nurtures football hooligans, the nation with more paedohiles than any other in Europe, the nation which expolited hakl the world and still racially abuses foreign persons, the nation which showed appeasement to Hitler until it was their backyard threatened,the nation where you can be shot for carrying a table leg, or running in a tube tation, the nation that gave us Des O'connor and Sue Pollard, no wonder we often cry Fu*k The English

  5. Because we are both sane, and when we are both sane it takes two to start a fight. The Scots gets pissed off at us a lot, some continually, but we just smile and treat them as humanbeings. They can even rule us, as they do and have done, and we don't even blink. Hoping that eventually one day they will get over their hurt and return to a healthy mindframe.

    Time will heal pain, as long as more is not created.

    Every nations history has good and evil in it, it's the future that counts.

  6. Since they can both look across the pond and chuckle about  their goofy North American kids...

  7. Speaking personally, Most of Europe has at one time tried to invade each other, rip each other off, steal its gold.  Most of the countries have some seriously iffy moments.  However we have also had a lot of cross migration, inter marriage and joined forces at some points.

    A lot of the insults that fly between England and Scotland should be taken with a pinch of salt.  Its more like brothers and sisters squabbling than anything else.


  9. they dont.

    The english are the invaders of Britain, that is why the long standing gruge from the celtic nations againt the english. The english are not true brits, they are anglo saxons. But it is more of fun banter these days against the english.

    The only thing that annoys me is that the english claim stone henge as their heritage, but it was there long before they even arrived in the country!!

  10. my friend, go watch brave heart!

  11. They do not love each other at all, whatever gave you that idea?

  12. We may have haggis bashers running the country but we should make them have passports. Incidentally the best thing to come out of scotland is the A1.

  13. If they loved each other so much why do they still have seperate legal systems and education systems!!

  14. we don,t

  15. It is like the Canadians and Americans, sibling rivalry but basically like each other. There are also mutual exchanges of goods, Scotland suplies the booze, England supplies the money. Canada supplies the oil and the US supplies fruits and veggies in winter. Most of all we all like to join up and play war, we are basically all cousins with the Aussies and NZers.

  16. I don't think we do - but it's sometimes fun to get together and gang up on others!

    (I am of Scots descent, living in England. I generally think of my self as English, but when I hear anyone other than myself bashing the Scots, I instinctively leap up with metaphorical Claymore in hand! All Brits together!)

  17. Interesting category choice for this question. Why indeed. We should all harbour 300 year old grudges. It's a policy that is working so well for the middle east.

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