
In volleyball, How can I stop double hitting my sets?

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I'm an experienced setter, but I am constantly doubling my sets. Any tips to address this? The ball is always where it needs to be, but the ball is rotating and I get "doble" calls. I never got called in college! Please help! It sounds insane, but I am desperate!




  1. If your setting you should be setting it far enough away from your self you shouldnt be able to make contact. You could always practice at home to set it and put your hands behind ur back or something.

  2. I would try to keep my fingers even and try to just use your finger tips and try quick, swift motions to get the ball in the air!

  3. Make sure your hands are evenly raised and your fingers are the same distance apart

  4. I have had this problem before too. The biggest help is to keep your fingers STRONG. I don't mean just stiff, they need to be tight but flexible. When I really focus on my fingers and keeping my hands even, I end up with great sets. Also be sure to push with your legs too, it will take the pressure off of your fingers and help you to concentrate on your technique. :)

  5. i did the same thing.

    I played back row setting and I was constantly running for the ball and trying to push a 5 and it would never work. What my coach told me was to leave and head to base as soon as you saw that the ball wasn’t coming to you. Then you do a nice easy approach to the ball. If you are running then get your feet there first. That’s where I ran into problems. If your feet are set then you shouldn’t have any problems. Make sure your fingers are even and your not releasing to early…

    Good luck

  6. as an experienced setter, i say that everything in the whole game has everything to do with the setter. watch your footing and keep practicing!

  7. Practice without the ball. It's easier to watch your hands, make sure that they stay the same distance from each other, and move at the same speed if you don't have to worry about hitting the ball too. Work on it a lot, and then throw the ball into the mix. When you think you're ready practice setting against a high wall, so you can see what the ball's doing after you hit it. Good luck!

  8. make sure your feet are there and that you focus on keeping your fingers stiff.

  9. Get under the ball.  Also, try using a vball that's weighted, you'll really feel if you're double hitting the ball. :P

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