
In volleyball, I know you can move after the serve...?

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but can any of the three front players move to the back, and the back move to the front? (or can we move anywhere) because I'm only good at blocking and attacking the net, my strength is close to the net, so I'm ok with being RF, MF, LF... but when its time to rotate and I'm in the back, can I go to the front, or move anywhere? or do I have to stay in the back? I read a few site with rules on volleyball, but none clear anyting...

and what can the back do, I heard you cant attack behind the 3m line? what does that mean. so the people in the back can only bump/pass? Does that mean if you want to attack you can only be within the 3meter line? if that is so how does the back stay in the back? what does the back do?

what does it mean when a back player have to stand behind there counter front player? does that mean only during the serve, or at all times like this

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like back right 1 have to stand behind 2, when 2 moves after the serve so does one?




  1. I hope I can answer all of your questions without confusing you more.

    The back row players and front row players can switch immediately after the serve is contacted.  (Not after the whistle as many people think.)  However, the back row players may not block (or be part of a block) that touches the ball.  (That is key.  The back row player may not touch the ball while blocking or be trying to block and the player next to them touches the ball on a block.  The Libero may not attempt to block.  The back row players may attempt to block, but not touch the ball.)  They may not attack the ball while the ball is completely above the height of the net and the back row player is on or in front of the 10 foot line.  In other words, you are not able to do the things you are best at while you are in the back row.  

    If you are in the back row, you CAN attack the ball if your last contact with the floor is behind the 10 foot line.  If you are on or in front of the 10 foot line on you last contact with the floor, part of the ball must be below the height of the net.  

    The players must be in correct alignment at the contact of the serve.  If you start  432


    4 must be closer to the left sideline than 3

    2 must be closer to the right sideline than 3

    5 must be closer to the left sideline than 6

    1 must be closer to the right sideline than 6

    4 must be closer to the net than 5

    3 must be closer to the net than 6

    2 must be closer to the net than 1

    That is what the rule meant by they must be behind or beside the corresponding player.  This is only at the moment of contact for the serve.  

    If you have any further questions or if I have confused you, please feel free to contact me.

  2. Per FIVB rule, players can move anywhere in their court, or in the free zone, after the server hit the ball. This means front row players can go back and receive serve or take spiking, and back row players can go to front row to set and dig.

    When you are in the back row, you can "move" to the front row to set, but you cannot **attack** between the center line and the 3m line, which means you cannot send the ball over the net if you contact the ball over the level of the top of the net. You cannot be part of the blocking effort either, even if you simply "fake-jumped" without touching the ball.

    Back row players can attack behind the 3m line, meaning that the player can take off behind the 3m line, and hit the ball when the player is in the air. S/He can land in front of the 3m line after contacting the ball but has to take off behind. FIVB rule is really promoting versatile players, so someone like you good in front row should also try to be good in back row, bumping, digging, and setting.

    "Back player has to stand behind his counter front" means before the server contacted the ball the back player has to be "further back from the 3m line" relative to his counter front. Lets assume that p6 is your setter who is ready to be pushed up and p3 is to "hide" p6 when serve receive. p3 can come back to the 3m line, but p6 cannot move into setter's position before the server hit the ball, and p6 has to have at least part of his foot "further back" than p3. The rule also means that p2 and p4 can come back even horizontally further back then p3 without causing a fault, as long as their relative back p1 and p5 are further back.

    After the server contacted the ball, everyone can do free-move to any position. So when p2 moves back after the serve, p1 does not have to move backward.

  3. only front row players can switch. and the back row players cant jump above the net. they can attack from the ground but they cant jump.

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