
In volleyball, is it a good idea for your teammates to yell out your name when a ball is coming to you?

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I know communication is very important in volleyball and it's good to let your teammates know when you are going for the ball by yelling "mine" or "I go" but is it necessary or even wise for your teammates to yell your name when they're not going for the ball? To me it seems distracting for the person receiving or hitting the ball if teammates are yelling his/her name but I don't play for a team so I'm not sure if that is a proper way to communicate in volleyball.




  1. it helps because then u know to get ready for the pass. or you know no one else is getting it and you have to. it just makes it so at least some one gets the ball instead of no one.  

  2. wat we do in my highschool is dat when we pepper, dats when you bump sat then spike, we have our court positions numbered so whenever we're gonna get da balll we shout our numbers or the other team mates shout da number so we will know who' sball is it :]

  3. No, it is not a good idea.

    The most effective thing is for anyone in the area to go for it, and then whoever says "mine!" gets it while everyone else backs off.  Same goes for baseball.  Good outfielders will always run for a fly ball hit anywhere near them and then back off if someone else calls it.

    If people start calling other people's names, it gets too confusing and makes it seem like they're telling you to go for it even if you weren't planning on it.  

  4. No. The reason why is when you call out someones name it will tell th other team where and who the ball is going and coming to. A good way is say you cant get the ball say HELP! Good communication is when you are sure the ball is coming to you say mine or got it. if you really want the ball and you and another player say mine at the same time say mine mine mine mine until the other player backs off. if it is out and another player is still trying to get it scream OUT!    

  5. the teammates should yell there name and the whatever person the ball is going should yell MINE

  6. ya, definitely use their name so they know the ball is theirs to get. They know you aren't yelling their name because you want to know what they are doing later after the game.

    It will reassure them and the rest of your teammates that they are the one who should go for the ball.

  7. depends. If you keep your eyes on the ball and say "got it!" or "mine"

    they shouldn't have too, because it will make you lose concentration.

    If they do and you can't concentrate , just start calling the ball and if they still don't stop, just say, if you want us to win STOP calling my name I know when to get the ball (lol)

  8. In my opinion, I think it's fine if a teammate yells your name if the ball is coming towards you.  It's a lot easier sometimes, because then everyone will know who should go for the ball so there isn't a collision.  It's like shouting out "Mine!" or "I go!"  but more like directing the other person to do it - making sure they're paying attention to the ball.

  9. The only time I recommend calling out the name of the person is when the back row setter has to take the first pass.  They usually try to send it to the right front who might be hurrying to get into position to hit instead of getting ready to set.  You should call you their name to make them aware that the ball is on the way to them.  

  10. yes, because if you don't call the person's name they don't know who the ball is meant for and both of them might go and collide even simply saying there postition like 222 or 999 before they hit the ball is reccomended

  11. no, definitely not.

    The other people should be alert and ready to play the ball if needed, not calling your name and stuff. Its very distracting, and doesn't look good.

  12. I like it when other teammates yell my name or I yell theirs. It makes me realize that balls mine and my team is depending on me to get that ball up and help score a point. Sometimes, it can be a bad thing. Like if a ball is in between two players and one player yells your name, you think she's calling the ball as her own, that sometimes gets confusing. But other than that I think it's great to have that communication, plus if you play high school volleyball against different teams, they won't know who your talking about if you say a teammates name.

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