
In volleyball,is the player allowed to hit the ball twice successively?

by  |  earlier

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true or false




  1. No but they can pass it to someone else and have that person pass it back to you

  2. No.

  3. no

    BUTTTTT if you block the ball and its returned you may hit it again, it all happens very quickly but as long as it was definitely a block your fine.

  4. They are all wrong.  It is allowable on  a first contact as a result of the hit.  But you can't hit it to yourself like a dig to a pass or a pass to a hit with only you touching the ball.  It does however depend on the rules you are playing under.

  5. nope... thats false. you can only hit it once unless sumone on ur team bumps it back 2 u then u'd have 2 hit it over.

  6. sorry but no the only way you can hit the ball twice is pass to a teamate and the let them set the ball and then you spike no more than three hit so hit hard or fast

  7. No it is not allowed. The other team will get the ball.

  8. No but you can hit the ball and then another of your team mates can hit the ball then you can again

  9. Making double-contact with the ball or hitting it twice in a row, wether intended or accidental is against the rules. Play is stopped immediately and the point is awarded to the other team.

  10. i wouldn't call it actually hitting the ball twice, you can tip the ball off a block and then pass it up and it is legal...that's about the only time though

  11. if you block it and the ball comes back down on your side you are allowed to pass it again but this is the only time but be careful because the block has to be done right or you will get called for a double hit.. that has happened to me before

  12. True in the case if the other side blocks it first and comes directly back to you

  13. I don't understand why 19 people answered this question.

    It's False and someone already said it was false so why would you answer it when so many people already have.

  14. Oh my gosh.

    Please, please, please, if you're not a serious volleyball player with good knowledge about the rules, DO NOT even attempt to answer the question based on how you feel the rule should be.

    Anthony S. and Gordonmo are right.

    Multiple contacts ARE ALLOWED in such cases as mentioned above by Anthony and Gordonmo.

  15. Anthony is right (see above)

  16. False

  17. if you block and it comes back to you , you are allowed to pass the ball... other than that its illegal... or if two people touch it then one of you can touch it again

  18. only if they send it over you block it comes back over then you can hit it or you pass it too another person and then hit it again those are the only acceptions

  19. Okay, everyone take a deep breath.This is a bit of a yes and no answer, so here goes. In currently used USAV and international rules, it is legal to have multiple contacts with a hard driven spike ( this has been allowed on serves too, I'll have to ask the ref trainer) AS LONG AS it's all one attempt to play the ball. So, if a ball is spiked, you go to make a dig, barely get to the ball, and it goes off your wrist then your shoulder in one move, it's still legal. One other instance in indoor ball for two contacts: you are involved in a block, you make contact with the ball, it trickles down in front of you, you are allowed to try to dig it up and keep playing. All other times, one contact per player in succession... hope that helps!


  20. nope

  21. no. once you hit it you better get out of the way for someone else on the team to hit it or the other team gets a point and the ball

  22. no

  23. I will expand on the almost correct answer of Anthony S.  This is one of the few situations that all rule sets agree on.  USAV, FIVB, NCAA, and NFSHSA all agree.  That is rare.

    It is allowable for the multiple contact on ANY first contact.  Not just a hard driven ball.  It has to be one attempt to play the ball.  The player can not hit the ball up in the air a few feet and then hit it again.  That will be whistled as a double contact.  It must do something like this-it hits the forearms and then the upper arms and then the face in one action with no prolonged contact.  If there is prolonged contact, it will be whistled as a lift or carry.  

    As mentioned, it is also allowed when you are the blocker and the ball comes off the block that you make.  You may be the first contact after the block.  

    I hope this clarifies the situations.  If not, please feel free to email me and I will attempt to re-word it to make it more clear.

  24. In normal contact you can't have more than one hit with the volleyball - like it's usually - you receive the serve (or a hit) [being first contact] from the other side - to pass it to the setter, the setter sets it (2nd contact) then you are allowed to spike the ball (3rd hit).

    However when you encounter a block at the net - a block is not called 'a hit' so when the ball comes down on your side - whether you are the spiker or blocker (or any other player) - you can play the ball, where you become the first contact - and can pass then spike the ball. The count gets reset.

    The block has to be a proper block.

  25. That is false only 1 hit may be made by one person on the side but it may go back and forth like example:Kristy hit it to Bob and Bob hit it to Krsity  who hit it over the net. But only 3 hits may be made by any three peolple as long as they are not successivly hitting it.

  26. True, after he blocks an attack he can hit the ball the second time.

  27. only if the first hit is a block

  28. well sort of because you could hit it then someone on the other team could block it then you could cover and try to get the ball from under the bottom of the net then your team could try again but with 2 hits insted of 3

  29. false. another member on your team can hit the ball, but only if it does not exceed the 3-person touch rule. (meaning the ball can only get touched by 3 people and then it must go back over the net)

  30. No unless your a blocker, then after you block if the ball comes back over, you can bump it. =]]

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