
In web where i can learn C and logic of flow chart?

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In web where i can learn C and logic of flow chart?




  1. there are lots of study material available on net for learning C. also u have online coaching for that. just search on google. and for flow chart wikipedia is best on web.

  2. Many tutorials are available in web.Search in Google.  

  3. Wikipedia contains many factual errors.  In fact, so do most "professional" encyclopedias and if the subject is not in the news or controversial then they contain them at about the same rate.  That said, Wikipedia articles are good introductions to most topics.

    Flow charts are one.  Usually the documentation is dealt with in a few pages in the early part of a book on programming.  In essence it covers the same material as this article:

    You asked about C, not C++ and certainly it is still used.  In addition there are a lot of University-based tutorials which are not especially complicated.  The first one, from Norway, is straightforward and simple enough, but if you are familiar with its prerequisites (emacs lisp and GNU shell Programming) you can probably program in C anyhow.  Not necessarily but that's UNIX Geek stuff.  I don't want to scare you but those "prerequisites" are scary.  If you really want to work with something search for and download Logo, which is for users between 3 and 80 or older.  And you'll find tutorials all over the web.

    The University of Strathclyde tutorial sounds more appropriate for Linux.  That's because traditionally the UNIX operating system has been used in many elite schools to teach computer science, and Linux shares many tools with it.  A common tool used in C/C++ programming is GCC, a compiler one often hears compared to Microsoft's Visual C++ or C# which misses the point.  One of GCC's strengths is as a cross-compiler.  It works not only across many operating systems but across many architectures and while this is an advanced topic it is a reason my last tutorial is for GCC.


    find here

  5. just download some e-books and start reading it

    best study is self study ;)

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