
In what book do you think true love is best described?

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In what book do you think true love is best described?




  1. Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse.. ahh the best books ever by the way!  Don't want to give any way but the selfless and beautiful things happen in this book.. All for love!  Such a good read...  My favorite book and it if anything describes true love.  Although it has other themes to it like fantasy, fiction, and heck I'll even throw violence in there but the strongest theme is love and wow I wish I could have myself someone that would love me like that!

  2. love is sacred and it has to be exerienced. can you explain mothers love towards its children. experience. god is love but love is not god. please try to experience true love.

  3. shakespheres  romeo and julliet

  4. love in the time of cholera

  5. Pride and Prejudice

  6. Any pornography magazine. If that counts.

  7. I didn't read the book but it is based on the author's wife's grandparents, true story. I saw the movie & it is "the Notebook".

  8. Selfish.

  9. As a good Catholic girl I should say the Bible, but another would be Anna Korennina (can never spell that)!

  10. I don't think that any one book can do that - each of the books the others named only presents a certain aspect of love.

    but true love, lasting love, is the essence of all. it's foolish falling, deep emotions, passion, misunderstanding, getting slowly closer and understanding. it is also loss.

    love is a living thing, no book can catch it. and even Solomon's High Song can only catch part of its spirit.

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