
In what countries and how are women treated unfair compared to men?

by Guest45240  |  earlier

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I'm doing an english assignment on what it means to be Australian from a feminism point of view, I believe that in Australia women are treated fair and I am looking for examples of countries where women are treated badly to compare.




  1. USA is such a country -  where they allow MGM and will treat FGM as a crime!  Female infants are not allowed to get their genitals mutilated in America!  They say, since we dont do it, FGM is barberic, since we do it, MGM is acceptable.

    Its funny how the western world view themselves in comparison to others.  For example, take the group of countries called "India" in the past.  These are India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.  People from these countries share same culture and race etc.  They are collectively called "Desi" in america.

    All of these countries had women as the head of the country.

    Srilanka had the first female head of the state for any country

    India had a female prime minister and the current president of India is a female

    Pakistan's Benazir Butto was one of the best leaders when it comes to education and running the office.  She carried to term and gave birth to her children while officiating as the head of her country.

    Bangladesh also had women as the head of the state.

    When will america or most western countries ever have a female president.  I know UK and Gernmany's case.  But in our case we ALL had women as the head of the state, way earlier than when you guys could imagine such an idea.

    So developing countries or countries who are not having "western" culture not necessarily treat women unfair compared to men.

  2. pick a country any "un"developed country and pretty much it will be bias against women.

    the worst one that I'm aware of it..Saudi Arabia

    those Sharia laws are killer...

    honor killing

    female genital mutilation

    women in jail for being raped....

  3. Try Humanrightswatch and the various United Nations specialised Agencies working in this area.

  4. Most Islamic countries.

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