
In what dynasty queen elzabeth-1 belong?

by Guest55575  |  earlier

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  1. We don't have dynasties in the Uk we have Royal houses. Elizabeth I was the last Tudor maonarch, she was also known as "Good Queen Bess". She was succeded by her cousin, King James VI of Scotland (he became James I of England).

    The Tudor monarchs were (in order): Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Lady Jane Grey ('The Nine days Queen'), Mary I ('Bloody Mary') and Elizabeth I.

  2. Queen Elizabeth 1 of England was the second surviving child of King Henry VIII who was the second monarch of the Tudor Dynasty.

    Queen Elizabeth, in due course, became the sixth and last Tudor monarch.

    The Tudor Dynasty came to an end on Elizabeth's death.

    It gave way to the Stewart dynasty when James VI of Scotland succeeded the childless Elizabeth, becoming also James I of England in 1603, in an event now described as the Unification of the Crowns.

  3. Queen Elizabeth I was the fifth and final monarch of the Tudor dynasty (the other Tudor monarchs having been her grandfather Henry VII, her father Henry VIII,

    i love her so much she is my favourit monarch infact i love all the queens in the world and the british are so special for me

    if you want to know more about her watch the movie

    "helen meren" as Elizabeth I you may have an idea about her privat life

  4. Last of the Tudor Dynasty (House of Tudor)

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