
In what grade do they give you a fake baby and you have to take care of it for at least a week???

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Like do you have a partner that does it with you to and you both have to take care of it, and does it actually wake you up at night and all of that like a real baby. Do you have to change the diapers too??

In what grade do you do this??

I live in Homestead, Florida.... (if that matters)




  1. I didn't but a friend of my daughter did. She took a special class because she was trying to get preg at 16. She had the fake baby for 6 weeks. She had to change it, feed it, just like a real one. It cried random times including night time. She only got a B in the class.She was slow on responding at night.She ended up not wanting kids until she was 22.

    Phoenix, AZ

  2. I had mine in Senior year of high school during a child development class.  However, the class was an elective for sophomores-seniors, so some of the people in the class getting the doll were younger than me  :)

    Yes, it will cry at random and wake you up at night.  The doll I had was "fed/comforted/etc." by sticking a key in its back and keeping it there until the baby stopped crying.  We were not assigned partnrs for this assignment.  But we did have to bring it everywhere we went.  And yes, this doll even cried and interrupted during tests in school!  :)

  3. When I was in high school, that class was available for any one to take, grades 9-12.  It was an elective, so no one had to take it.  It was part of the class that spent time at the school district's child care lab.  People who took the class could write a research paper about a baby's development, or take one of the dolls for a weekend.  

    They didn't work in partners, because there weren't a ton of people, but I imagine if you have a large group that is required to do it you might have to work in partners.  Really, logistically that is a pain though, since you have to work together outside of school, so most teachers won't do that.  Yes, it does "wake up" at night like real babies.  When it starts crying you get to figure out if it needs a clean diaper, to be fed, or to be held.  

    They're really bad examples of what babies are like, though.

  4. In high school is what I hear. I never had the experience of a fake baby, only real ones after I was married at 21.

  5. I lived in Hialeah, FL & went to HML.  We weren't ever given a baby, but were given an egg we had to take care of.  Yes we got a partner who had to help us.  I beleive it was in 10th or 11th.  Kinda fun, something different atleast.  


  7. 8th.

  8. They never did that when I was in school. Didn't even do a parenting class ... but then again I graduated over a decade ago.  

  9. at the school i went to it was a class only seniors can take. no diapers, it would cry and you would have to put a key in and hold it there til it stopped

  10. I had it my Jr yr but I think it just depends if the school does it,what class and when they want to!  You may want to call to the school and see. Not to mention you can buy one and the bellys!!

  11. I never actually did that in school

  12. Well once you get to high school. You can choose that elective, if you want to.

  13. I was in 8th grade when they did this!

    One person would be attached to one baby in which you took home for the weekend. Then, a new group would be selected for the next weekend. They gave you a bracelet that wasn't able to be removed (only by a special key that the administator had).

    The baby had a cloth diaper on it, and to change it, you would basically just take it off, wait 3 minutes, then put it back on.  

    Yes it wakes you up at night with it's crying. It will also get worse if you lack in taking care of it.

  14. freshman year. and yes you have to feed it change it the whole nine yards. the computer chip in them tells the teacher what you did if you just ignored it or gave it some care. good luck you should maybe have that class for a couple of years. lol  

  15. about 15

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