
In what instances can the dead live forever ?

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  1. on vinyl, cd, mp3 or video

  2. they live in the minds of people who remember them. as long as someone living remebers then they in turn will survive

  3. Keep adding sodium benzoate to their bodies.

  4. Não acredito que uma pessoa acabe...ela vive em tudo que fez...que plantou de bom. Vive-se no filho do filho...e no coração de quem a amou.


  5. In the hearts of those who knew them and respected them

  6. ad ghost or in heaven

  7. When h**l is full the dead will start to walk the earth.

  8. through his legacy only.

  9. The dead live forever in their love one memories or a book.

  10. None that I know of.

  11. If they owe money to the IRS.

  12. Well the dead don't age after they are dead, so you can sort of say they are living forever because they will never age anymore than what they were when they died. Do you get what I mean?

  13. If they are a ghost, vampire, or a zombie!!!!!!

  14. We all do. We are made of energy and energy never dies.

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