
In what movie does an actor eat apple off a knife?

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My friends & I are trying to remember what movie has a scene where a male character (maybe a "bad boy" type) is slicing an apple with a pocketknife or switchblade and eats a slice directly off the knife. There may be a female character he's talking to at the time. We've eliminated The Bodyguard, even though that does feature a similar scene.




  1. happened in TV shows Firefly

  2. Perhaps "The Last Man Standing" which stars Bruce Willis..

  3. DENNIS THE MENACE -the creepy thief guy steals the apple from the cross-eyed kid and cuts it with his knife and eats it.  

  4. I'm pretty sure something like that might've happened in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

  5. would you like the whole list?

    i could name a 100 movies

  6. that has happened in a lot of movies

  7. I immediately thought of the Firefly episode "War Stories."  They're sitting around conversing about why the captain and Zoe always cut their apples.  

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