
In what parts of the food chain do pesticides build up?

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In what parts of the food chain do pesticides build up?




  1. pesticides tend to build up in key species such as fish and benthic invertibrates.  Why?  Because pesticides are water soluble and therefore mobile, winding up in rivers streams and lakes and eventually the ocean.

    The other answer above is correct in WHERE in the body the pesticides concentrate.  This is why when someone loses lots of weight, they get those deep, dark circles under their eyes...the poisons are coming out in them from the dissolveing fatty tissue, and poisoning their bodies.  Its why we must drink lots of water, number one to flush away the dissolving fat, but to also flush away the poisons that had collected in our fat tissues.

  2. Mostly in fat cells, because the pesticides are fat soluble, and therefore build up in those cells. They also have a tendency to stay longer than other types of cells.  The long term affects of sitting in those cells in not clearly understood.  PBB's collect in fat cells, but can pass between a mother and child through fat soluble breast milk.

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