Between $X and $Y is the range of total annual income you would say most upper middle class families earn in order to sustain that sort of lifstyle.
Upper middle class people generally own nice homes in fairly well to do neighbourhoods. They drive at lest two late model vehicles. They educate their children in private schools. Upper middle class families go on several foreign and domestic holidays a year. They may own a summer cottage or other get away property. And they generally eat dinner out as family at least once a week. If the average family is, say, three kids, and a mother and father, and let's also say they reside in a smart leafy suburb of a large Eastern city like New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Washington. Now, those are the variables. ON AVERAGE, at what annual pay scale would a typical family unit with the above listed lifestyle need to earn per year to maintain such a comfortable lifestyle? Please, again, I said on average. I fully realise every situation is unique, and every family is different, and every city has different costs, blah, blah. Please, just look at the question as given, and submit a reasonable answer. I am fully aware of differences and that this is just a crude survey. Thanks!