
In what restaurant were you treated the worst? how did they treat you badly and in what state?

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In what restaurant were you treated the worst? how did they treat you badly and in what state?




  1. Eh I don't really eat out much and when I do I make sure I'm nice cause you can't see what they do too your food be hide your back.

  2. chilis, the service was poor, the tables & floors were disgusting and the food was horrible...ct

  3. West Bloomfield, MI - The Stage

    The food is overpriced and the service is always surly.  I won't go back there.  To be honest, I don't know why anyone goes there.  They've also had incidences of food poisoning.  There are some good delis in the Detroit area.  I go there instead.

  4. The racist waitress at a Arizona IHOP treated me like S**t, I didn't leave any tip though, too many things went wrong to mention.

    That was the worst experience ever.

  5. I'm sure there's been a worse experience for me than this, but this stands out to me since it was the most recent. My family and I went to an Outback in MD for V-Day's dinner. Naturally it was extremely crowded. There was a lady taking names for the waiting list. She stood right at the door and held it open. We were five people and there were more people behind us. It was freezing outside that evening and I walked past her to get inside where it was warm. She looked at me and said, "excuse me, could you please wait here while I take your name?" I was only a few feet from her, she acted like I went and sat myself down. I told her no because I was cold and was fine where I was. She told me I had to wait there and that I should be fine since she had been standing there all day and she was okay with it. We argued about it a bit and in the end she just accepted that I wasn't going back out into the cold. The whole thing was pretty ridiculous and if virtually every other restaurant wasn't completely packed and the kids starving, we would have left.

  6. there used to be a dunkin doughnuts in chicago  off nagle going toward milwaukee from 90.   i went in there once, my daughhter who was 2 mths old spit up on herself.  my husband was coming right behind me.  i ran in and asked for some napkins, the lady wouldnt even look at me. she turned to another guy (the guy who had held the door open for me) and said "next" like i didnt exist.  i said "excuse me i am talking to you" and she didnt even look at me.  i said "hellooooo" and she kept ignoring me and asking the other guy if she could help him.  as my name suggests, i was flustered and went out of the store grabbing my husband as he was walking in.  he kept asking me whats going on and i couldnt even speak. he went in and told the lady that she is an embarrassment and we would never visit there again.  the guy who was in line after us left with us and another couple who saw the whole thing also left.  in the parking lot they told us they saw how that lady acted and vowed never to eat there.  i called the dunkin doughnuts headquarters but nothing came of it.

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