
In what simple ways can you resolve the problem regarding global warming today?

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In what simple ways can you resolve the problem regarding global warming today?




  1. Convince everyone to stop using fossil fules, no, it's not that simple, by the way, we only CONTRIBUTE to Global warming, it happens naturally.

  2. Change Presidents.

  3. There is no simple answer, but there are some not-so-simple ones that you can easily begin to follow on your own.

    First,  though -- the so-called "greenhouse effect" IS certainly natural.  Wthout some warming of the lower atmosphere due to "greenhouse" gases such as CO2, NO2, methane and water vapor etc. etc., life on earth might not be possible.

    But global warming as a "problem" is largely caused by humans, and humans need to fix it.  However, there are no SIMPLE ways in which any of us can "resolve"  the problem - not completely -- because it's a big problem affecting our whole civilization.  It's going to need a lot of work to fix.

    That being said, there are several "simple" things that individuals can do to HELP solve the problem, at least a little.  They include

    (1) reducing your individual "carbon footprint" by reducing your consumption of energy generated from fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas)

    This goal - reducing your carbon footprint -- can be pursued in dozens of different ways.  They include

      (a) Taking a bus or subway or bicycle to work instead of driving a car,

       (b) driving a small fuel-efficient car instead of a big gas-guzzler,

       (c) going easy on the use of your home air conditioner and/or furnace,

       (d) buying more energy-efficient light bulbs for use at home,  

        (e) replacing your electric water heater or stove or refrigerator with a more energy-efficient one

       (f) increasing the amount of insulation in your house's walls and roof, in order to avoid wasting energy on heating and cooling,

       (g) making sure your windows don't leak energy, so your home becomes more energy-efficient

        (h) investing in solar panels on your roof or walls, a home wind turbine, etc., so that you generate some of your own electricity "renewably" and sell part of it back to your electric company

       (i) If your state allows this, changing your electric company so that your electric power is not coming from a coal-burning or oil-burning electric generator, but from an alternative energy source - say, the combustion of waste methane given off by your city's sewage treatment plant.  Or from big wind turbines located outside of town.  Or from solar energy, etc.

       (j) making sure your computer is as energy-efficient as possible, and maybe using your computer a little less when you don't need to - since computers do use lots of electricity, and a lot of that electricity is generated from the burning of fossil fuels.

      (k) If your family  owns your own home, try surrounding it with shade trees and shrubs that will shield it from the wind and sun.  This is one way of reducing your heating and cooling costs, cutting your electric bill and reducing your "carbon footprint" simultaneously.

    (2) Try also eating more vegetables and vegetable products and less meat, because generally speaking it takes 10 - 100 times as much energy per pound to produce meat products as opposed to vegetable products.  

    This is largely because animals we use as meat need to consume large quantities of vegetable matter to reach the size where they can be killed and eaten, and the transfer of energy from the vegetable protein into the meat protein is

    pretty inefficient.  So if you eat the vegetable protein yourself, instead of the meat that derived from it, you're eating "lower down on the food chain" and much more efficiently - generally speaking.

    (3) Do whatever you can to avoid contributing to the destruction of tropical rainforests, since the cutting down and burning of these rainforests releases lots of CO2 into the atmosphere - increasing the "anthropegenic" or manmade greenhouse effect.  

    So - think before you buy something made out of tropical timber, to see if it's been harvested sustainably.  If you're a coffee drinker, buy "shade grown" coffee instead of coffee whose production involves cutting down rainforests.  Don't buy disposable wooden chopsticks, because a lot of them come from trees cut in the tropics.

    (4)  Vote for politicians who are smart, scientifically informed about global warming and fairly honest -- and also not too dependent on the fossil fuel companies for campaign funds.  

    This might mean voting for either John McCain or Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama, for instance, and not for a greenhouse dummy and/or oil company puppet -- like a certain president we could name.

    4.5.  Educate yourself about what  policies your senator and US representative really stand for - don't just assume that by voting Democratic or Republican you'll automatically get someone who's good on the environment.  

    Check -- what big industries does your Senator or US Representative tend to favor, for example - and what's their position on global warming?  Are they part of the CO2 solution, or part of the problem?  

    (5) Buy popular books and/or download information from the Web on simple ways to fight climate change.  There are lots of cheap paperbacks being published on "50 ways you can fight climate change," etc., and some have some great ideas.  

    Of course, you probably want to check what one guide says against what another says, so you're not just taking one person's word for it.

    (6) EDUCATE YOURSELF MORE about what global warming is, what's causing it, and who is responsible (all of us? some of us more than others?  Don't assume you know the answers - find out!).

    And educate yourself, too, about the possible solutions.

    And keep reading and learning about the subject, even after you think you "know" the answer.  The subject of climate and climate change is huge; there's lots of research going on all the time, and what scientists know about the problem keeps developing and changing.  

    The more you know about what the mainstream climate scientists are saying -- and even what some of the anti-global warming, "skeptical" or "denialist" dissenters are saying -- the more able you'll be to make good decisions on the subject.

  4. Use local transit. Buy a bicycle. Change your light-bulbs to new fluorescent ones. Switch from a hot water tank to a new on demand system. Use cold water detergent when you wash your clothes. Turn your computer off at night.

  5. has no control over it.

    But it's always good to recycle, but it will have no effect on global warming.

  6. Use the city transit system to go to and return from work, even if it is just the inner city part. Car Parks outside the city, at bus terminals, free to park for any that use the Transit System, would help.

    Think about it, 1/3rd of the street police would be patrolling and ticketing, 1/3rd could guard the parking lots.

    That still leaves 1/3rd less police cars and a WHOLE bunch less city traffic that crawls inches on inches polluting the skies.

    It is not a fix, but it is working towards a solution.

  7. Defund UN "science".

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