
In what way are all species alike biochemically?

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also, how do they differ from one another biochemically?




  1. All species contain almost same biochemicals including Amino acids, sugars, lipids, DNA, RNA, Enzymes etc.

    However, the species differ in the type of sugars, proteins, lipids, constitution of DNA/RNA etc.

  2. All species are all biochemically alike in that they contain the four major biochemical entities: Carbohydrate, Amino-Acid, Fatty Acid and Nucleic Acid. The Nucleic Acid contains the genetic information hence every species have some sort of nucleic acid. The only difference is the composition of the other 3 in a certain specie. Some might slightly have more protein than carbohydrate and others might have more fat than protein, thus the ratio is different. Biochemically we are more similar than different since we all came from the same ancestor.  

  3. The basic physiological processes are all alike respiration, assimilation of food etc. But the secondary product formation are different in varous species  

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