
In what way are black people/ ethnic minorities disadvantaged in the western world?

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people talk a lot about how black people are disadvantaged in places like america and the UK. can you give me some examples of how this occurs please? is it always through stereotyping and can it be institutionalised or what?

thank you




  1. Ethnic minorities and black people are still disadvantage unofficially by prejudice and racism.   People are scared due to terrorism, they are scared of immigrants "taking their jobs" they are still scared of black people for some reason.  Immigrants are happy for work of any kind and will often do work that "white" people refuse to do or think is beneath them.  They think that immigrants and black people are uneducated and poor for some reason probably because they can't speak English/language of that country as well.  They don't take the time to understand the culture or the unique customs of ethnic minorities instead they fear what is different and use this to divide rather than unite.   Parents don't take the time to teach their children that every Muslim in the US is not a terrorist or even about religious tolerance. This is how blacks first came to be "hated" in the US.  When they were brought as slaves their African traditions and customs were not understood and rather than try to understand them they were feared and "tamed" this fear and learned hatred and distrust was then just handed down from generation to generation without really anyone knowing why they didn't like blacks.  Hate crimes still occur frequently, Jena 6 in Louisiana this past year is a good example.  Officially there is equality, all programs are open to all people regardless of race, creed, color, ethnicity, etc. but unofficially it doesn't exist.   Imagine how difficult it would be, even with the "official" programs in place to be a minority in a country where all these "unofficial" prejudices and bigotries exist.  Affirmative action was supposed to be a temporary program implemented to ensure equal access for all races and sexes to higher education and positions in the workforce.  If minorities and blacks aren't disadvantaged today then why is this program still in place?  The bottom line is society as a whole does still suffer from prejudice and racism and it is very sad that we have to resort to "official" policy to combat this!

  2. I think that amongst other minorities black people are discriminated against in the workplace.  It is not always racist.  I worked briefly in an environment where everyone was black because the owners were black and I think felt more comfortable with other black people, in fact I think I was the token white man, lol.  But of course in the UK normally black people are in the minority.  Black people do not get an equal amount of opportunites or promotion.  

    On the other hand, many civil service jobs are terrified nowadays of not having their quota of minority people, so if you want to be a fireman, policeman, paramedic and many other jobs the standard of entry will in reality be much less than what would be expected for a white person, in other words you get the job just because you are black.  So now, innocent white people are being discriminated against.  Two wrongs.

  3. They are in no way disadvantaged as in having access to the quality of life nor the ability to create a good life for themselves. They are the selected group above and beyond all others at receiving compliments from the gov't. and social programs. No body in the US can have it as good as Blacks. If they don't take advantage of it they can continue to whine.

  4. As a young black woman trying to establish my place in this world, I could go on and on about this topic, but I won't....

    From my perspective, the biggest problem that we face is lack of education, and lack of resources in the inner city. There is a perpetuation of ignorance that goes on in many black households. Struggling, uneducated single parents, raising struggling, uneducated children.

  5. You can see what is happening it the election process today. I saw a CNN feed of a man leaving the poles in Kentucky after that's State's primary. When asked what thoughts he might have for Obama... he retorted, "Stop being so black."  

    If you broaden the election coverage and results you will see similar attitudes across the entire Appalachian region.  Undereducated, older white American people still fear, dislike, or even hate black people.  Yet, with a more educated white America, those with at least a Bachelors Degree, the attitude is different.   This leads me to believe that 'fear of the unknown' is what drives racism.  Less education leads directly to 'not knowing'.  

    An older, less educated American dogma doesn't leave much room for thoughts other than the those embossed in the memories of the Sixties.  The only thing they know about black Americans is the pain and upheaval and civic unrest of that time.  

    It will take more time for the issue to diminish.  As children of the Sixties fade away, so will the memories and fears.  And this will happen with both white and black Americans.  For white Americans are not the only ones with fears of the unknown.  

    Good luck with this,


  6. they bring disadvantage toward themselves.

    way too loud

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