
In what way could evolutionists blame Man for the demise of the dinosaur?

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Especially, how might Christians be at fault?




  1. because they created global warming.

  2. They can't.  Dinosaurs and humans did not coexist at the same time, ergo, humans cannot be blamed.  Of course, had they coexisted....I'm sure it would've been the Christians getting blamed for it.  We get blamed for EVERYTHING. ;)

  3. men were the demise of the dinosaurs actually

    i have beliefs about this that most people don't because i believe in the Bible but also know a lot about science, which is rare these days

    supposedly dinosaurs existed at the same time as people, God flooded the world because men and some angels committed sins and atrocities that He couldn't stand seeing anymore, so the flood killed off a lot of the dinosaurs, maybe

    there are other theories though

    these are all just theories of course

    there is proof that humans and dinosaurs co-existed

    they have found a fossil in Texas with human and dinosaur footprints right next to each other dated at the same time

    either dinosaurs lived more recently than we believe, humans are older than we believe, or the carbon dating technique is way off and we need to totally re-evaluate all the information we have because of it

    or I'm a total douche and am just making this up

    go look it up for yourself

    also, there is a man out there offering 20000 dollars to anybody who can bring him evidence of evolution and no one has retrieved it

    i can't remember who he is though

  4. Evolutionists do not blame man for the extinction of the dinosaurs.  The were gone several MILLION years before man appeared on earth.

  5. It would have to involve time travel...

  6. Impossible since dinos roamed the earth before man.

  7. Reality check.....

    Last Dinosaurs, as in "dropped dead", 65 million years ago, give or take.

    First Man, as in Homo sapiens sapiens (yes, the "wise wiseguy"), 200 000 years ago, give or take.

    Now, go and fetch a calculator. Do the math. Don't let the numbers scare you. Ask for help if it's too much to comprehend... Meditate upon idea until you reach supreme enlightenment.

    .... I'd be shocked if you're dead serious.

  8. Only the feeble-minded, not people who have read more than one book all their lives and who know the facts about evolution and the timeline of life on this planet, could "blame" humans for the demise of the dinosaurs.

  9. They have not, and will not.  Dinosaurs preexisted millions of years before our species evolved.  So, no fault is assigned.  Why, if you already know the answer to your query, have you presented it?

  10. The dinosaur became extinct because it failed to adapt to eating only leaves and acorns.

    Luckily it died with its boots on.

  11. I congratulate you. A two question non-sequitur. You do not see one of those every day!

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