
In what way do you think that Christianity effects policy-making in the White House?

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And, further, are these policies dictated by the Holy Scriptures? Please cite chapter and verse.




  1. I know a couple of instances where Christianity effects policy making.

    Exodus 20:2–17   Deuteronomy 5:6–21

    You shall not murder.

    You shall not commit adultery. (Most states have reversed this one)

    You shall not steal.

  2. There are millions of fundamentalist Christians in the United States. For some reason they are absolutely fanatical in their support of Israel, some say that American Christians have been tricked into this fanatical support

    The Iraq war is a good example, forget "oil" and  "WMD" the Iraq war was simply to defend Israel from skud missiles fired by Saddam and his payment of anti Israel suicide bombers.

    Study the links below if you are really interested , they were not written by me. The White House Zionists for example  is public information and no secret

  3. Every dictator has claimed to have God on his side.  

    So there is no need to question a single thing, because it is really God doing it all.  

    Born again Christians need to grow up.

  4. Depends on the occupant.

  5. they don't and can't. there is a seperation of church and state. and this is an adder, most societies have laws against stealing, adultry and such that are not christain or religious societies, sounds like some are trying to reverse engineer a reason to bash christains.

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