
In what way does the president of the United States check the Supreme Court?

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a) The president can veto a decision of the Court

b) The president can declare a decision of the Court to be unconstitutional

c) The president can impeach a member of the Court

d) The president can override a decision of the Court

e) The president can refuse to enforce a decision of the Court




  1. f) President chooses the replacement and asks congress to approve them.  Mate

    What does the supreme court do again?  Oh yeah and the President has the power to "use his best judgment" for war now too.  So he trumps Congress now too.  Fascists.

    Right now GW is trying to force a treaty onto Iraq for the ability to declare war for Iraq.  That means that we can bomb Iran's nuke stations through Iraq for Israel.  Check.

  2. It's supposed to be the other way around.

    The Supreme Court was instituted to check the power of the President - to make absolutely sure that he nor Congress pass any law that goes against the US Constitution.  That's their job.

    Most of us take our Constitution for granted with out knowing what it really stands for.  It is the Principles this country stands for and that's what makes us strong.  Without it, we stand for whatever the actiing President, or the Congress or the Media or some religion or whoever can control opinion - believes.   But as long as we hold fast to our Constitution, which was written in insure the rights and strength of the people who ARE the country, then we have the glue that holds this nation together.

    When we allow an indivual be it a President or a Preacher to nulify ANY aspect of the Constitution then our nation becomes weaker because we have put that individual above the Constitution.

    Over the last 20 years the nation has become divided between those who support the President at all costs and those who support the Constitition at all costs and a majority who don't understand the ramifications and don't care as long as they can get cheap pizza and beer or take long vacations in Italy.

    For instance: The Supreme court has ruled against Bush 3 times and Bush goes back to Congress to get a new law to go around the Supreme Court and Congress (Now Democraticly controlled) gives it to him.  Just because Bush or anybody wants or passes a law doesn't mean it's Constitutional.  The Supreme Court's job is to strike down laws that go against our Constitution.  But people want their own way - with little or no regard for the Constition.  But when this country really needs to come together to overcome a huge obstacle like we haven't seen since WWII, then you will understand why it is imperative that we have a strong Constitution to hold us together.

    In the meantime let us pray that we find our way before  that time comes.

    P.S. The Supreme Court is supposed to be NOT political.  But this is next to impossible to achieve.  However, the Supreme Court of 2000 showed that it was HIGHLY political  when it reversed a quick decision within 2 weeks in favor of George Bush thus handing him the election with the MINORITY of votes.  Al Gore had asked for a recount of the Florida vote. The US Spupreme Court said it was not their jurisdiction to rule on a state's matter.  However, when Gore went to the Florida Supreme Court and got a ruling that a recount was in order, Bush went to the US Supreme Court and asked that the recount be stopped BECAUSE IT WOULD HURT HIM.  The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of Bush in what the ABA and all legal symposiums label as the worst decision in Supreme Court history and the beginning of the Bush/Cheney take over of ALL branches of government.

  3. The correct answer is E.

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