
In what way is asbestos harmful to the people or the environment?

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air pollution




  1. I am not sure, but i know that by breathing in asbestos u can get cancer.

  2. asbestos causes a sickness called asbestosis, cancer of the lungs , when only the tinniest fibre gets into your lungs.

  3. it causes cancer if you breath its fibres in.

  4. Your body can not expel asbestos like it can most other Pollutants. So it stays in your body and can kill you years later. I have a family member that died of this.

  5. There are two main kinds of Asbestos, only the kind with the really tiny particles is extreamly dangerous to breath.  The long fiber type is not good for you, but your body defenses do a pretty good job of keeping it out of your lungs.

  6. look up on the net about the law-suit, in Australia, against the company, 'James Hardy'. All your questions will be answered about asbestos.

  7. It causes cancer if inhaled. That's why ship breaking is so risky that it is banned in some places. Ships have a large amount of asbestos in their boiler room.

    Help the envionment!

  8. Asbestos gives off tiny little pointy particles which lodge deep in people's lungs and gradually kill them. As for the environment, well, it doesn't do animals' lungs any good, either. It's been discovered to be so dangerous (after years of using it as fireproof insulation everywhere) that if you have an old building with asbestos insulation, they generally recommend covering it over very carefully and completely, rather than trying to remove it, which would put more particles into the air. Workers have to wear protective gear to remove it.

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