
In what way is the USA like Virgina Tech?

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Are we students, afraid to throw a desk at the shooter? Is Uncle Sam the shooter? Are we all dead meat, thanks to our docile submissiveness?





  1. that is quite a stretch, but i dont blame you for trying

  2. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. When I was in England, I was unfortunate enough to watch the news with a man raged into a PM's office and killed everyone with a samurai sword. My point is, that sword didn't just wander off the street and kill people, it had a person behind it.

    Here's my answer:

    Liviu Librescu first in my discussion because his IS a hero.  He, a survivor of n**i concentration camp, held the door shut while he asked his students to flee. To me, he epitomizes America: "I will hold the door for you! Run, Run, Run!"

      If you ever are in a situation so horrible, I hope that you go out fighting, like this man did. The greatest thing you can do is to give your life so that others may live.

    Is VT like the USA? Sure... it's an accumulation of good people trying to make their way in the world. Are all people good? No. There are those that are out to resolve their own issues through force and pain against others.

    The point is that we're all surviving and doing the best that can with the gifts that God gave us.

    Remeber the old adage:

    A good man was at his place of worship, praying to God.  

    He said, "Lord there is so much trouble in the world.  There is injustice, poverty, conflict and violence.  Lord, please send someone to help...please."

    God spoke.  He said, "I did.  I sent you."

    -- Fizz --

  3. Apathy will be the end of us. We are constantly conditioned to be victims by the evening news. I have been questioning why we are not outraged and marching in the streets about a few recent events. When I question others about this, most of the time they don't even know about the "problem" I speak of. I'll admit I've done my time in sheep land, I think you have to do that time to realize what it is you are waking up from. Others are waking up too.  Change is afoot, can't you feel it?

  4. your all stupid and let every have guns?

    i mean in the uk we had 1 high school killing and realised *** this so we banned hand guns! i mean we've had internal terrorism and still our killing rate is much lower!

    30 years ago, most films were war films that involved biased views, the only reason they wernt more violent is because the graphics wernt good enough.

    then you had star wars, all those arnie films, van dam, etc all of which had plenty of violence! most films now have less pointless violence and are much more conciousness.

    the rest of the world also  has plenty of violent films, but we don't get columbines or virgina tech. h**l it was a south Korean film, i cant remember any high school massacre in Korea?

    in fact i don't think Hitler, jack the ripper,  most of the horrible people pre-WWII saw the matrix but they still killed people for fun, OMG were they geniuses, i mean without films how did they think of their ruthless ideas!


  5. if you see virginia tech as a microcosm of the USA  the similarities are striking  first through the zealous indoctrination of liberalism our youth have been and continue to be brainwashed  out of any beliefs in moral absolutes and personal responsibility. ie  we are all victims its somebody elses fault.  also liberalism teaches people to be sheepal and not stand up for or defend either yourself or anyone else (1 reason they hate the military)  you must trust in big brother and the socialist elite who control the govt and us for our own good  (one reason there are so many emasculated feminized men in our society.  kids are taught it from grade school the long and short of it is liberalism is a mental disorder that rots people from the inside out and makes us totally incapable of being anything except victims straight across the board

  6. I am assuming that you're saying that the students didn't fight back. Because there were so many of them, if they had, not as many people would have died. We weren't there. Perhaps they did try. Perhaps the ones who thought of going after him, were afraid that he would shoot one of the other students and therefore didn't do anything. You weren't there. You can't judge... well, you can, but you don't know what they were facing or thinking. I think as the whole story is put together and as time passes, you will find that there were many heroic acts. Hindsight is magical, especially for the ones who can't grasp what others were seeing, thinking, feeling, or going through.

  7. first of all i agree with stopping the selling guns, polititians banning violent movies, and students fighting back when there is a perpetrator.

    but also think about what the police did wrong. they did not shut down the whole school.

    also the counselors did not do a follow up with the poor guys counseling. what was up with that?

    the judge didn't even put him in where he belonged in 2005. in an asylum.

    all they had to do is do their jobs. and also just listen to what he had to say.

    poor trouble child.

  8. You have to look at the on-screen content that's welcoming family members home. All the violence and murder beamed into our lounge rooms. Ideas being pumped into children's heads. 40 years ago, you went to the movies to see "The Sound of Music" where everyone was decent and mostly caring, now you go to see "The Matrix" where everyone is not real and out to get you. It's kill or be killed. Real paranoia stuff. Meanwhile, the politicians sit back, collect their big fat paychecks, and say they can't control people's attitudes. If they were truly for the people, they'd ban the violent movies which put the ideas into the people's heads.

  9. now it is so easy to use this event to expose your

    political perceptions,your words sound subversive.

    and in no way the USA is like the person who made

    this!,in every social context there is some one who

    can do this kind of action,even you are not extent

    to do this!so watch out your feelings !

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