
In what ways can Correction officeres get hurt or even die?

by Guest56574  |  earlier

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In what ways can Correction officeres get hurt or even die?




  1. Sadly there are multiple ways. As a Security Forces member in the Air Force I hear some things that makes me want to do something aside from anything in the Police Force.

    They may get shanked with almost any object that could be made sharp. Tooth Brush, Comb, or even plastic (hard plastic).

    Other ways could be a lil more complicated. I agree with the girl doing the handcuffs thing, but men can do it to. Both genders could always pop the shoulder out to get the cuffs to the front.

    Anyway hope someone let's you know... unless your going to a correction jail soon and plan on killing and officer... but if your going to be a corrections officer... good luck

  2. A prisoner is handcuffed behind her back.  She slips the cuffs over her butt, under her legs, steps through her arms, and strangles him with the cuffs.

  3. My niece is a Corrections Officer in AZ. She was taken hostage by a prisoner, with a shank, (a knife made from a sharpened spoon, in this case), and held for 7 hours. All she did was make the mistake of turning her back on him for a minute.  

    This is one job that requires constant observance and caution. The dangers are too many to list, but keep in mind. A prisoner can make a weapon out of just about anything. The chain on a pair of handcuffs, if gotten in front of a prisoner, can be deadly. No matter how friendly they are, remember where you are and that none of them are your friends. Be careful and cautious always.

  4. You need to watch more TV. MSNBC Lockdown!! Those places are not safe for anyone. I don't want to be in there even if they pay me for it!!!!

  5. Anything and everything is a weapon.  Inmate a has a bad day, found out his wife is going to divorce him.  Officer B happens upon inmate a.  Inmate a takes his frustrations out upon the unsuspecting officer by smashing him over the head with a mop bucket.  Get the picture.  It doesnt take long for something wrong to happen.

  6. They can get to close to that @ss that they have to look at and the person has explosive diarrhea and the guard could get AIDS. I knew a guard that got shot in the face with diarrhea and now they wear sheilds. Boy did we get a laugh.

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