
In what ways can parents and children contribute to a harmonious relationship?

by  |  earlier

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pls help me by provide me with at least 3 examples together with some eleboration:)

maybe u could like to explain to me the what is the qns asking for too?




  1. Seriously? Keep your kids away from the influence of the state, its agents and all its apparent namby-pamby do-gooders, *grin*.

    School is easily the number one means by which other people, organisations and groups set out to deliberately usurp and undermine both the role and the authority of parents in their own child's lives; people including, but not limited to, goverment officials, teachers, psychologists, social workers, the ever-ubiquitous counsellors...

    (Now I'm starting to sound like my dad, lol!)

    There is a reason why, for instance, the UK government deliberately places 'schools' ahead of 'families' in naming its own Department of Children, Schools and Families.  

    Doubt me? Check out the *real* aims behind the Prussian system of education; or, better yet, take a look into some of the effects and consequences that the introduction of western style, mass schooling has wrought around the world on children, their parents, their families, their relationships.

    Everything else that's being suggested here, talk of a lack of respect for one's parents, a lack of communication with one's parents etc (no need to tell your parents what goes on in school or what you get up to when they're not there), are merely symptoms -- ways in which the typical school community's ethos finds expression in kids' attitudes to themselves; to their parents; to their relationships...

    Seriously though, western/capitalist systems survive by neither wanting, nor encouraging, kids to respect their parents ( nor traditional values nor God); instead such societies need their young to grow up respecting self, society, consumerism, the mass media, celebrity, fiscal achievement, the almighty $$$, external influences, the market place and the peer group.

    (And no, I don't believe in God per se but I do believe in parents, parenting and in traditional values.)

  2. Teach them the right way while they're still young>>> Kids are like trees, or a pot made out of clay...It is said that you can straighten up a bend tree while they are still young or mold a clay the way you want, but when either this object are bigger or becomes hard, you cannot straighten them  anymore...That's the same thing with kids... Punish them for doing something bad, and reward them for something that they do good (no favoritism either)... Remember>>> your childrens will be your representatives when you are gone...Whatever training you taught (family values, from generation to generation) will be with him/them forever, and most likely to his/their future siblings...Respect comes in two ways and that determines how you treat them...That will bear fruit in return for a better parenting and children relationship,and last but not least, a better citizen of your community...  

    Kids emitate what they saw or heard (from tv's,games,school, and from the neighborhood)...Explain to them that they don't have to follow on anything they saw and who they are, act who they are, and not be imitated or follow bad examples...

    I was told once that a better informed person is a better person, so I relate things to my boys (whats going on around the world,ie natural disasters, wars, even the global warming and so on), these way they will understand what is going on... things that they will learn in school, sooner or later...So the more they know, the better they are... Well I hope this helps..good luck..

  3. I think it was in the text book. (smile)

    Anyway, off the top of my head and without the textbook to read to know what the gns is asking for----------

    Respect for each other.   Children should respect their parents but parents should have respect for the children too.

    Communication.     Don't expect others to read your mind.

    Consideration.        Think of others.

  4. being in touch with the needs of each other - paying close attention to the subtle signs and figuring out what's best for both of you

    spending time apart - i think it's a good thing to get away from one another and give each other that space they need to explore other relationships and personal endeavor's but while being supportive in what they're doing

    spending time together - finding activities they both enjoy and doing them together.  having fun.  trying new things out.  taking pictures of it and what not.  anything really

  5. I would imagine the question is asking for you to think about how family members can create a pleasant home environment.

    I think most of it comes down to respect. Children need to respect that parents are the boss and that they are only human and can't be right all of the time. Parents need to respect that they are only human and can't be right all of the time. They need to respect that their children are only human too, and are as entitled to moods as anyone else is. Many parents seem to expect better behaviour from kids than they do from themselves, such as expecting kids to cheerfully obey the first time, all the time, and never to procrastinate. Children should recognise that Mum and Dad are tired or in a bad mood and leave them alone. Mum and Dad should accept it if a child says they are in a lousy mood and need space. Everyone needs to learn to use and accept the use of appropriate negotiating techniques and be prepared to change their mind if new evidence shows they were wrong.

    Look at your own family. What changes would you and your family need to make to create more harmony in the home? That'll answer your question.

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