
In what ways can the "environmental movement" go too far?

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While it is important to recognize major environmental issues of concern, in what ways can the current "environmental movement" go too far in terms of obsessive legislation, infringement upon civil liberties, and poorly researched public policies? And, in what ways can we ensure a reasonable balance between protecting the environment and protecting the rights and livelihood of the people those laws serve?




  1. None

  2. I'll give you one!  The suggestion that we put higher taxes on gasoline!!!  Yes, they are talking about it.  The idea is that the people buying the big trucks and SUV's won't stop buying them until it "hurts"  their pocketbook.  I'm a little old lady whose family drives a small, gas efficient car, that has to pass an emissions test yearly.  I can't afford the rise in groceries or gas now, what is going to happen if they add more tax!  This is all just hurting the poor people, the rich just buy what they want anyway.

  3. just don't resort to communism and we'll be okay

  4. if they were to destroy blow up power lines from nuclear or coal fired electrical power plants

    destroy bridges on highways to restrict vehicle traffic

    killing of people in communities that a large part of a work force may be involved in industrial chemical manufacturing

  5. I think spiking trees.

    We all want trees to be around.

    but when a logger trying to support his family loses an arm, leg or his life because of a spiked tree..that could be considered too far

  6. I agree that a reasonable balance needs to be struck.

    I think that a practical thing would be to narrow the scope from such huge, debatable and possibly intractable issues such as global warming, and focus on one priority at a time.

    Pressure on the nuclear industry to solve the waste problem would lead possibly to such a solution, then nuke plants might be a viable option in our energy program.

    Just focussing on this one thing would solve two problems at the same time.

    People can argue endlessly about global warming, but the need to actually solve the nuke waste problem isn't debatable. It's just too long postponed.

  7. The environmental movement can go too far when it has Al Gore as a spokesperson stretching the "truth".

  8. If gov'ts begin eliminating people through killing them, that would be too far!

  9. Like Judy said...TAX's! That and surcharges on items that won't help anything except make the poor poorer and the rich richer. All for a crazy junk science that no one can prove is happening. It's a scam and the powers that be seem to have no clue how bad a B.S. tax will hurt our economy.

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