
In what ways can we live sustainably?

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In what ways can we live sustainably?




  1. live off the land and give back what more than what you take like the indians.

  2. give up meat is one way.

  3. It really all depends on just how far you want to go.  You can reduce the amount of damage you do to the environment by just turning off the lights.  Or you can build a 200 square foot strawbale home out in the country with a few acres, grow your own food and livestock, use solar or wind generated power, compost all of your wastes, get a composting toilet, drink untreated well water and use a catch basin for rainwater...I think you get the drift.  

    The population in this country (everywhere really) is so great that there isn't enough land for every family to live a fully self sustaining lifestyle.  And not every one would want to.  That being said, practice self control.  Do you really need a light fixture that has 5 bulbs in it when 1 would do?  So you really need a bigger vehicle or do you just want one?  

    You have to decide where your comfort zone is.  If you are fine with living a green urban lifestyle, that is great and will help.  Or if you dream of owning a small farm and growing your own food, that is great too.  

    Not everyone is cut out to be self-sustaining.  And even doing a little is better than doing nothing.

  4. Grow your own food, in a place where it grows naturally with little aid from people. Its a dream of mine.

  5. Eat Greens.


    PERMACULTURE  is the most famous and best philosophy

    I recommend

    The Permaculture designers manual by Bill Mollison,which cost about 40 dollars.

    and is the best all round book you can get,on Environmental design,.(tagiari publishing,

    It is a collection of sustainable ideas from around the world coupled to present level of knowledge

    ideally suited for those who want to get back to the country and build a auto sufficient situation for themselves and the family or a community .

    People plant rather for the quality of life and to feed their families, than for the market ,so the motivation and the manner are totally different from ordinary agriculture .

    Although the basic concept of Permaculture also applies to Organic and sustainable farming,

    Utilizing soil management ,and mulching

    The utilization of space is more concentrated ,thinking in cubic and vertical terms instead or merely horizontal on the plain ,

    Having many principle to follow such as utilizing all resources and following and enhancing energy flows ,

    for example the ditch around the house catches the rain water and leads it through the chicken house where it cleans and picks up the manure to deposit it in the vegetable patch

    Permaculture means permanent agriculture

    a concept put forward by Bill Mollison in the 60`s

    With practical solutions for energy systems ,infrastructure ,intelligent design in housing,

    animal shelter ,water systems and sustainable agricultural practices.

    Some of the ideas drawn from the Chinampas of Mexico to the terraced gardens of the Andes.

    From the dessert wadis to the steppes of Russia.

    Covering all climatic conditions temporal, dessert, humid and dry tropics.

    with chapters on soil ,Water harvesting and land design,Bio diversity

    Earth working ,Spirals in nature,Trees and water ,utilizing energy flows,

    Strategy for an alternative nation

    Permaculture also offers  many gardening tips,bio-gas,companion planting and ideas for structures ,how to cool down houses in hot climates ,how to warm up houses in cold climates with out using technology but rather by design.

    Some other writers that are on the Internet are

    David Homegrown

    Larry Santoyo

    Kirk Hanson

    Masanobu Fukuaka has written ,

    One-Straw Revolution

    The Road Back to Nature

    The Natural Way of Farming

    Simon Henderson

    and Bill Molisson.

    a Representative of the concept in USA is

    Dan Hemenway at

    there is a Permaculture Institute in Australia

    there is also a Dry land strategy Institute in North America

    relevant links

    bio diversity;...

    Aggro Urbanization;...;...;...


    organic pest control;...


    growing your own;...


    water harvesting;...


    green philosophy

    green ideas

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