
In what ways can we protect wildlife?

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In what ways can we protect wildlife?




  1. I refer to one person who believes that only the "stupid" animals are dying off. Can you elaborate what "stupid" is?? And then place some thought to what need these animals have on the environment and other species that live within it? Food chain is one of the biggest thing that people take for granted. Also, a big problem people don't get is the sale of reptiles and amphibians especially though the pet shop system. What happen when you or some family member gets over the animal. It is the same with cats and dogs. They are just let go within areas that they are not commonly found causing havoc on our ecosystems. Disease outbreak is huge, or competition for food increases. You can't stop people however you can educate people. It is the first step.

  2. By protecting their natural habitats..most endangered species are endangered for this reason: habitat destruction, fragmentation, encroachment, etc.

  3. Let's start with our own kind first shall we. How about protecting a human baby, what a concept.

  4. build  habitat's  for the animals

  5. Well, you can make little boxes in to homes for squirrels or rabbits and put them outside. you can support wildlife conservations. you can also adopt an acre of rainforest for $39 dollars, that means you'll get a certificate that shows that area is yours so that people cant cut it down. heres a website to adopt an acre of rain forest for $39

  6. habitat destruction is mainly caused by humans and is the leading cause of the decrease in wildlife populations. lets all regenerate and preserve the habitats people!

    and as for the how about protecting our own human babies comment someone else said...look at where thats gotten us. overpopulation my friend! which y the way is another cause of wildlife pop's decreasing. the more humans, the more land taken and the more unrenewable resources being used/pollutants aka the moer habitats we destroy.....dur.

  7. SUZYHOME is right why not look at our own back yard homeless people,taking away the rights of first nations people,looking after the animals is a great thing but lets not forget our fellow human beings.

  8. when you help the environment in just anyway, recycling, resuing, reducing waste, spreadign the awarness just about anything for the environmenr its a chain effect and surely your help can end up in the conservation of wildlife, it maybe not  a direct help but i think its a big thing for theor preservation.

  9. Habitat and ecosystem protection is a great way to protect wildlife.  Reducing pollution in the environment is another way to protect wildlife.  Providing 'greenways' that link isolated populations is another way to protect wildlife and ensure genetic flow between these groups.

    Strict wildlife protection laws are another way to protect wildlife.  Captive breeding programs for endangered or threatened species is also another way we can protect wildlife.

    Limiting the demand for wildlife products is another way to protect wildlife.  Not consuming products or contributing to products that use wildlife is a further way to protect wildlife.

    Active conservation and wildlife management is yet another way to protect wildlife.

    Joining a conservation organization such as The Nature Conservancy, The National Wildlife Federation, The Sierra Club, Greenpeace, The World Wildlife Fund, and Defenders of Wildlife are another positive way to help wildlife.

  10. Recycle, use less energy, go veg/vegan, blah blah blah.

    Or you could have some fun and run over some possums in New Zealand (not Australia!).

  11. to the "going cranky" who says only the stupid animals are dying off.

    hey dude! did u ever go to primary school???

    gosh...i really wanna smack off ur brain!

    listen stupid pollutions in the Yangtze river in china causes the Yangtze river dolphin to extinct!

    (that's just 1 cause of the many millions)

    so's humans who drives these animals to extinct....'s easy for u to say they're stupid coz obviously u dont care about animals at all and u're stupid too!!

    good luck for you future and stop being stupid or u'll die u say(^;^)

  12. only the stupid animals are dying off, the smart one`s live onward

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