The first humans had faced a struggle for survival. For thousands and thousands of years, they has two concerns: finding food and protecting themselves. They used fire, built shelters, made clothes, and developed spoken language. These areas of life are all part of culture. Human culture changes over time as new tools replaced old and people tested new ideas. Later some modern humans increased the pace of change. The people who had lives in the early part of the Old Stone Age were nomads. They moved from place to place. They were hunter-gatherers. They found food by hunting and gathering nuts, berries, and roots. The Cro-Magnon people, who came later, made tools to help them in their search. These early modern humans used many tools more than 100 different ones. They used stone, bone, and wood. They made knives, hooks, and bone needles. Cro-Magnon people also created works of art, including paintings.