
In what ways did becoming a parent change your life?

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For better or for worse....




  1. Wow, where do I begin....

    It certainly taught me the meaning of selflessness and patience.  It taught me that my needs and wants are second to my children's.  I changed the way I look at life.  Everything I do for my children is highly important to me and the way I do it is important as well.  It made me more sensitive, more patient, more caring, more nurturing.  It brought out my natural maternal instincts.  It gave me great understanding.  It made me a more joyful as a person.  God blessed me richly with my children.  

  2. We waited to have a child after we were married 8 we thought were ready for the changes.

    They were good changes..she made us put our "to-lists" in the trash because since she couldn't read she didn't know what she was supposed to do and when.....LOL

    We learned to do things on her terms and we loved it.

    We were both hands on and 23 years went by in a flash.

  3. Before I became a parent I was selfish and I just wanted to party and do nothing all the time. I had no work ethic, I didn't do the best I could in college, just getting by, I didn't care about anyone or anything really. and then when I had my baby girl that all changed, My whole world is about her. Every time I look at her I know what I was born for. It def. made my life much better.

  4. I appreciate what my Mom said "I hope someday you have a kid just like yourself"---LOL

    But seriously, it has changed my life in so many ways-- it sounds corny but I am a better person.

  5. For better it taught me to roll with the punches and that a kitchen covered in finger paint is nothing compared to the giggles and squeals of the little ones doing the painting. It also taught me responsibility and mortality. Every teenager thinks they are immortal and nothing will harm them and we all carry it on into our adult years but let me tell you, nothing gives you more of a reality check as when you hear the cry of your baby for the first time. You realize at some point in your life you are going to grow old and leave your child and you hope than when that happens you will of lived a full and happy life. And that your child is as wonderful as you dreamed they would be.

    For worse it has taught me that I'm not as patent as I thought I was and that even the best of moms can snap and throw a tantrum.

  6. for the better, before i got pregnant with my daughter i was bad, i wasnt horrible but i wasnt perfect etheir, i was 17 and i was into drinking really bad and smoked pot, i guess she saved my life in many ways, since i got pregnant with her i havent touched a drink and i havent gone near pot so id diffently say that she changed me for the better.

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